Ni chrewyd f'enaid drud

(O thou that wouldst not have)

(Rhan II)
Ni chrewyd f'enaid drud
  I fyn'd i'r bythol boen:
Can's dros bechodau'r euog fyd
  Bu farw'r addfwyn Oen.

O Dduw dysg i mi'r ffordd
  I ffoi rhag uffern dân;
A'r pryd ymddengys Iesu gwiw,
  Dwg fi i'r nefoedd làn.

Tydi yw'r unig ffordd,
  I'r nefoedd Iesu gwiw;
Dadguddia'th hun i mi bob awr,
  Tra fyddw'i yma'n byw.

Treulier fy nyddiau 'gyd,
  Er clôd i'm Harglwydd mawr;
A boed i'm rodio gyd â Duw,
 Tra fyddw'i ar y llawr.

Felly mi gara'm Duw,
  Yr hwn a'm carodd i;
Seiniaf ei glôd ar beraidd gân,
  Tra par'o'r nefoedd frŷ.
John Hughes 1776-1843
Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

Tôn [MB 6686]: Aylesbury (Salmydd Psalmody 1718)

gwelir: Rhan I - Ai marw raid i mi?

(Part 2)
My precious soul was not created
  To go to everlasting pain:
Since for the sins of a guilty world
  The dear Lamb died.

O God, teach me the way
  To flee from hell fire;
And when worthy Jesus appears,
  Draw me up to heaven.

Thou art the only way,
  To the heaven of worthy Jesus,
Reveal thyself to me every hour,
  While ever I am living here.

All my days are to be spent
  For praise to my great Lord
And may I walk with God,
  While ever I am on the earth.

Thus shall I love my God,
  He who loved me;
I shall sound his praise in a sweet song,
  While heaven above endures.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion
O thou that wouldst not have
  One wretched sinner die,
Who died'st thyself; my soul to save
  From endless misery!

Show me the way to shun
  Thy dreadful wrath severe,
That when thou comest on thy throne
  I may with joy appear.

Thou art thyself the Way;
  Thyself in me reveal;
So shall I spend my life's short day
  Obedient to thy will.

So shall I love my God,
  Because he first loved me,
And praise thee in thy bright abode,
  To all eternity. 
Charles Wesley 1707-88
And am I born to die?
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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