Ni ddaeth i fwrdd cyfiawnder Duw Wrth gofio pechod Ond cysgodau o'r sylwedd byw Oedd i ddyfod; Y Jiwbili, pan ddaeth i ben, Y llen a rwygwyd, A'r ddeddf yn Iesu ar y pren A ddigonwyd.Ann Griffiths 1776-1805 [Mesur: 8585D] |
There came nothing to the table of God's righteousness, While remembering sin But shadows of the substance of life Which was to come; On the Jubilee, when it came to pass, The curtain was torn, And the law in Jesus on the tree Was 2017 Richard B Gillion |
God's table could provide no foodtr. H A Hodges 1905-76 |