Ni ddaeth i galon dyn erioed

(Y Dedwydd Lu)
Ni ddaeth i galon dyn erioed,
I feddwl nac i ddirnad fod
  Y fath gymdeithas gref;
Mwy na rhifedi gwlith y wawr,
Yn chwareu ar y delyn fawr,
  Ryw anthem iddo ef.

O wynfededig ddedwydd lu,
I'r làn a ddaeth o'r dyffryn du
  Heb ofni marw mwy;
Yn canu fry yn nhŷ eu Tad,
A rhyfeddodau Canaan wlad,
  Yn myn'd a'u calon hwy.
William Thomas 1790-1861

[Mesur: 886D]

(The Happy Throng)
It never came to the heart of man,
To think nor to perceive that
  There was such a strong fellowship;
More numerous than the dew of the dawn,
Playing on the great harp,
  Some anthem unto him.

O blessed happy throng,
Who came up from the black valley
  Without fearing dying any more;
Singing above in their Father's house,
With the wonders of the land of Canaan,
  Taking their hearts.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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