Ni fedr daear ganu

(Clodforedd y gwaredigion - Rhan II)
Ni fedr daear ganu,
  A'i holl soniarus lef,
Ganiadau gan felysed,
  Fydd yn ei gwm'ni ef;
Ond 'nawr holl nef y nefoedd,
  Mewn un hyfrydaf dôn,
A seiniant gyd â'u gilydd,
  Ogoniant mawr yr Oen.

Pan ddelo'r awr i fynu,
  A deued yn ei phryd,
Doed angeu pan y delo,
  Ffarwel ofidiau'r byd,
I arall fyd im' ganwyd,
  I arall fyd 'rwy'n myn'd,
'Dwy'n disgwyl neb ond Iesu,
  O'r ddaear yma'n ffrind.

Rwi'n ceisio craffu'm llygaid,
  Ar hyfryd waed y groes;
Dal f'enaid afael arno,
  Yn nyfnder angau loes:
Mi lecha yn y ddaear,
  Caiff llwch at lwch i f'yn'd;
O angau ti gai wybod,
  Fod Iesu i mi'n ffrind.

Mi gâf fy nghorph i fynu,
  Fel fy anwylyd cu;
Heb unrhyw nwyd llygredig,
  I'm blino fel y bu:
Y'nghanol myrdd myrddiynau,
  Yn hyfryd lawenhau;
Yr anthem ydyw cariad,
  A chariad i barhau.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829

Tôn [7676D]: Denton Green (<1829)

  Rhan I - O Arglwydd rho i mi dafod
  Ar fyr mi deithiaf llwybyr
  Tragwyddol glod i'r Cyfiawn

(The praise of the delivered - Part 2)
The earth cannot sing,
  With all its sonorous cry,
Songs as sweet as
  Shall be in his company;
But now all heaven of the heavens,
  In one most delightful tune,
Shall sound together with each other,
  The great glory of the Lamb.

When the hour comes up,
  And let it come in its time,
Let death come, whenever it come,
  Farewell fears of the world,
For another world I was born,
  To another world I am going,
I am expecting none but Jesus,
  From the earth here as a friend.

I am trying to make my eyes stare,
  At the delightful blood of the cross;
Keep, my soul, a grip upon it,
  In the depth of the throes of death:
I will lurk in the earth,
  Dust will get to go to dust
O death thou wilt get to know,
  That Jesus is a friend to me.

I will get my body above,
  Like my dear beloved;
Without any corrupt lust,
  To weary me like it did:
In the midst of a myriad myriads,
  Delightfully to rejoice;
The anthem is love,
  And love to endure.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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