Ni welaf eisiau grâs

(Salm XXIII)
Ni welaf eisiau grâs,
  Fy Mugail ydyw Duw;
Caf orwedd byth mewn porfa frâs
  Ar làn dwfr tawel gwiw.

Fe'm dychwel o'r ffordd gau
  Er mwyn ei enw Ef;
Gwna imi rodio heb lesghau
  Yn uniawn lwybrau'r nef.

Trwy Dduw, fy Mugail da,
  Nid ofnaf angau glâs;
A'i nerth a'i ffon
    fe'm llawenhâ,
  Sef tirion arfau grâs.

Hedd a daioni Duw
  Ddilyna f'enaid byth;
Am hyny gwnaf tra fyddwyf byw
  O fewn ei dŷ fy nyth.
Cas. o Salmau a Hymnau (R Phillips) 1843

[Mesur: MB 6686]

(Psalm 23)
I see no want of grace,
  My Shepherd is my God;
I may like forever in rich pasture
  Beside excellent quiet water.

He brings me back from the false way
  For the sake of his own name;
He makes me walk without wearying
  In the straight paths of heaven.

Through God, my good Shepherd,
  I shall not fear utter death;
And his strength and his staff
    cause me to rejoice,
  Which are the tender weapons of grace.

The peace and goodness of God
  Shall follow my soul forever;
Therefore I shall make, while ever I live,
  Within his house my nest.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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