Nid bren(h)in braw yw angeu'n awr

Death is no more the king of dread

(Ysbeilio angeu)
Nid brenin braw yw angeu 'n awr,
Er pan gyfododd Iesu mawr:
  Fe dynodd Ef ei golyn llym,
  Yspeiliodd uffern fawr ei grym.

Y gwiw Orchfygwr! gwelwch Ef
Yn esgyn at y Tad i'r nef;
  Mae'r Hwn a hoeliwyd ar y pren
  Yn awr i'r bydoedd oll yn ben.

Plant dynion, codwch fry eich llef,
A'ch holl eneidiau ato Ef,
  Mewn pêr ganiadau yn gytûn,
  I foli'ch Prynwr, Duw a dyn.

Angelion a'ch telynau dewch,
A'ch peraidd dannau uchaf t'rewch,
  A holl greaduriaid
      nef a llawr,
  I seinio moliant Iesu mawr.
pêr :: pur
Yspeiliodd :: A 'speiliodd
Plant dynion :: Blant dynion
greaduriaid :: drigolion
I seinio :: Cydseiniwch

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Angel's Hymn (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Gotha (Kophl's Gesangbuch 1587)

  I [D'wysog / Frenin] y goleuni glân
  Newyddion braf a ddaeth i'n bro

(Despoiling death)
No king of terror is death now,
Ever since great Jesus arose:
  He pulled out his sharp sting,
  He despoiled death with its great force.

The worthy Conqueror! see ye Him
Ascending to the Father in heaven;
  He who was crucified on the tree
  Now to all the worlds as head.

Children of men, raise up your cry,
With all your souls to Him,
  In sweet songs in agreement,
  To praise the Redeemer, God and man.

Angels with your harps, come
And strike your sweet, highest strings,
  With all the creation
      of heaven and earth,
  To sound the praise of great Jesus.
sweet :: pure
He despoiled :: And he despoiled
creatures :: inhabitants
To sound :: Sound ye together

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

Death is no more the king of dread,
  Since our Immanuel rose;
He took the tyrant's sting away,
  And spoiled our hellish foes.

See how the conqueror mounts aloft,
  And to His Father flies,
With scars of honour in His flesh
  And triumph in His eyes.

Raise your devotion, mortal tongues,
  To reach His blest abode;
Sweet be the accents of your songs
  To our incarnate God.

Bright angels, strike your loudest strings,
  Your sweetest voices raise;
Let Heav'n and all
    created things
  Sound our Immanuel's praise.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hosannah to the Prince of light
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707-9

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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