Nid dyma'r fan y mae fy rhan

(Golwg ar Dragwyddoldeb)
Nid dyma'r fan y mae fy rhan,
  Na'm trigfan mewn prysurdeb;
Mae'm tŷ a'm tre' mewn amgen lle,
  Ar fryniau tragwyddoldeb.

Ni feiddia ' mwy segura'n hwy,
  Na heppian trwy farweidd-deb;
Rhag bod yn ol fel morwyn ffôl
  Trwy gydol trag'wyddoldeb.

Rhaid myn'd yn mlaen trwy ddŵr a thân,
  A'r cyfan fo'n wrthwyneb;
Mae f'oes yn frau, a hi'n hwyrhau;
  Nesâu mae tragwyddoldeb.

Ni all y byd a'i bethau ' gyd
  Roi'm henaid drud foddlondeb;
Mae trysor da a'm
    llwyr foddha
  Yn nghadw'n nhragwyddoldeb.

Yno mae'm Duw, fy Nhad, yn byw,
  Mewn hardd a gwiw ddysgleirdeb;
A'r Iesu da, fu'n dwyn fy mhla,
  Gaf wel'd yn nhragwyddoldeb.

Dduw, brysiau'r pryd - par'tô ni ' gyd
  I gael o hyd gymundeb
A'r brodyr fry, ardderchog lu,
  I'th foli'n nhragwyddoldeb.
David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822 (?)
Diferion y Cyssegr 1802

Tôn [MS 8787]: Dymuniad (R H Williams 1805-76)

(View on Eternity)
Here is not my portion,
  Nor my dwelling in haste;
My house and my home are in another place,
  On the hills of eternity.

I shall not risk being idle any more,
  Nor snoozing through mortality;
Lest I be left behind like a foolish virgin
  Throughout the rest of eternity.

One must go on through water and fire,
  And the whole be contrary;
My life is fragile, and it is getting late;
  Approaching is eternity.

The world with all its things cannot
  Give my precious soul contentment;
Good treasure that will
    completely satisfy me
  Is kept in eternity.

There is my God, my Father, living,
  In beautiful and worthy radiance;
And the good Jesus, who took my plague,
  I shall get to see in eternity.

God, hasten the time - prepare us all
  To find communion
With the brothers above, an excellent host,
  To praise thee in eternity.
tr. 2021,24 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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