Nid gyda cherbyd tân

(Addolwn ger y crud)
Nid gyda cherbyd tân
  A rhwysg daeargryn cry',
Neu gorwynt i frawychu'r fro,
  Y daethost atom ni,
Ond ar hyd ffordd y plant,
  Mewn crud, yn faban llon,
A dagrau ar dy emrynt pur,
  A chryndod dan dy fron.

    Awn, awn hyd Fethlehem,
      Addolwn ger y crud,
    Y Baban dynol dwyfol hwn
      Yw Crist, Gwaredwr byd.

Mae cofio Nasareth,
  Ac aelwyd syml dy fam,
Yn gwneud i'm hysbryd prudd iacháu,
  I'm calon roddi llam;
Ti geraist gyfaill pur,
  Ti lonnaist
          gwmni'r wledd,
Ac ym Methania, serchus le,
  Ti wylaist uwch y bedd.

Ond mae anfeidrol rym
  Yn aros yn dy fraich,
Ac yn dy galon Gariad Duw,
  Ni fethaf dan fy maich;
Bûm ger y preseb gwael,
  Ac O, y Baban-drem!
Mae'm Ceidwad nid mewn nefoedd bell,
  Mae yma'm Methlehem.
John M Howell 1855-1927
Cymru'r Plant, Rhagfyr 1912.

[Mesur: MSD 6686D]

(Let us worship by the cradle)

Not with a chariot of fire
  And the power of a strong earthquake,
Or a whirlwind to terrify the region,
  Camest thou to us,
But along the way of the children,
  In a cradle, as a cheerful baby,
With tears on thy pure eyelids,
  And trembling under thy breast.

    Let us go, go as far as Bethlehem,
      Let us worship by the cradle,
    This human, divine baby
      Is Christ, the world's Deliverer.

Remembering Nazareth,
  And the simply hearth of thy mother,
Makes my sad spirit heal,
  My heart give a leap;
Love didst love a pure friend,
  Thou didst cheer the
          company of the feast,
And in Bethany, a dear place,
  Thou didst weep over the grave.

But there is immeasurable force
  Abiding in thy arm,
And in thy heart, O Love of God,
  I shall not fail under my burden;
I was by the poor manger,
  And Oh, the Baby-look!
My Saviour is not in distant heaven,
  He is here in Bethlehem.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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