Nid oes aberth o un rhyw

(Dim yn ddigonol ond aberth y groes)
Nid oes aberth o un rhyw
    Y'mhlith miloedd,
Dal am drosedd lleiaf ryw,
    Yn oes oesoedd;
Dim ond aberth dwyfol Ddyn;
    Foddia Dduwdod,
Angau Tywysog nef ei hun
    Bwysa 'mhechod.

Dyma'r aberth'n abl sy
    i drosglwyddo,
Fy euogrwydd dwfwn du
    i dir ango';
Fe wnaeth pechod y fath glwy'
    ar fy enaid,
'Does ond gwaed anfeidrol mwy
    all fy ngwared.

Dyma'r aberth
        mae erioed
    Sôn am dano;
Ar y ddaear 'does yn bod
    Debyg iddo:
Mae seraphiaid pena'r nen
    Yn rhyfeddu,
Gwel'd eu Brenin ar y pren
    Yn gwir drengu.
Y'mhlith :: Yn mhlith
lleiaf ryw :: lleia'i ryw
Yn gwir drengu :: 'N awr yn trengu

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7474D]:
Aberafon (John Roberts 1822-77)
Easter Hymn (Lyra Davidica 1708)
Essex (<1869)
Llanfair (Robert Williams 1782-1818)

  Ar Galfaria un prydnawn
  Caned nef a daear lawr

(Nothing sufficient but the sacrifice of the cross)
There is no sacrifice of any kind
    Amongst thousands,
Pays for the least kind of transgression,
    In an age of ages;
Only the sacrifice of a divine Man;
    Satisfies the Godhead,
The death of the Prince of heaven himself
    Weighs my sin.

Here is the sacrifice that is able
    To transfer,
My deep, black guilt
    To the land of oblivion;
Sin made such a wound
    Upon my soul,
Only immortal blood henceforth
    Can deliver me.

Here is the sacrifice
        that there is forever
    Mention about;
On the earth there is none
    Like him:
The chief seraphs of heaven are
Seeing their King on the tree
    Truly dying.
Truly dying :: Now dying

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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