Nid oes gofid na therfysgoedd

(Pob trallod wedi darfod)
Nid oes gofid na therfysgoedd,
  Nid oes achwyn o un rhyw,
Nid oes trallod, poen na galar,
  O fewn trigfan bur fy Nuw:
    Cariad perffaith
  Sydd yn llenwi'r hyfryd wlad.

Ni ddaw cwmwl dû terfysglyd,
  Ni ddaw annghrediniaeth mwy,
Ni ddaw yno ofni marw,
  Byth i roddi imi glwy';
    Môr diwaelod
  Fydd pleserau pur y nef.

Yno cofiaf, gan ryfeddu,
  Fel y deuthym, eiddil gwan,
Trwy anialwch ac afonydd,
  A llifogydd mawr, i'r lan!
    Byth ni flinaf
  Ganu clod yn nhŷ fy Nhad.

[Yno caf i ddweud yr hanes
   Fel y dringodd eiddil, gwan,
 Trwy afonydd, a thros greigiau,
   Dyrys, anial, serth i'r lan;
     Iesu ei hunan
   Gaiff y clod
         drwy eitha'r nef.]
1-2: William Williams 1717-91
3a/b: ? Thomas William(s) 1761-1844

Tonau [878747]:
Bryn Calfaria (William Owen 1813-93)
Islwyn (David Lewis 1828-1908)
Peryddon (<1876)
Y Delyn Aur (alaw Gymreig)

  Addfwyn Iesu tyn fy meddwl
  Arglwydd dysg im' ganu'n hyfryd
  Dechrau canu dechrau canmol
  'Rwy'n dy garu er nas gwelais
  Torf o 'mrodyr sydd yn gorwedd

(Every trouble having ended)
There is no grief or tumults,
  There is no complaint of any kind,
There is no trouble, pain or mourning,
  Within the pure residence of my God:
    Perfect love
  Is filling the delightful land.

No black, tumultuous cloud shall come,
  No more unbelief shall come,
No fear of dying shall come there,
  Ever to give me a wound:
    A bottomless sea
  Shall be the pure pleasures of heaven.

There I shall remember, wondering,
  How I, a feeble weak one, came,
Up through desert and rivers,
  And great floods!
    I shall never grow weary
  Of singing acclaim in my Father's house.

[There I shall get to tell the story
   How a feeble, weak one climbed up,
 Through rivers, and across troublesome,
   Desert, steep rocks:
     Jesus himself
   Shall get the acclaim
         throughout the utmost heaven.]
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion
(Endless Praise)

[There shall I rehearse the story,
   How a weakling faint and worn,
 Was o'er rocks and through deep waters,
   To eternal glory borne:
     Jesus wholly,
   Shall absorb
         the songs of heaven.]
tr. 1854 Joseph Morris

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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