Nid oes neb rhy fach i'th garu

Nid oes neb rhy fach i'th garu,
  Neb rhy fach i ganu'th glod;
Neb rhy fach i'th wasanaethu,
  Neb rhy fach i'th winllan ddod.
Addfwyn Iesu, anwyl Iesu,
  Yn dy waith gâd ini fod.

Er mor lleied heddyw wyddom,
  Gwyddom it' ein caru ni;
Er fod gofal mawr am danom,
  Nid oes gofal neb fel Ti:
Addfwyn Iesu, anwyl Iesu,
  Dan Dy aden cadw ni.

Dysg ni, os cawn fyw flynyddau,
  I Dy garu'n well o hyd;
Neu, os marw wnawn yn foreu,
  Derbyn ni i'th fynwes glyd;
Addfwyn Iesu, anwyl Iesu,
  Cadw ni'n Dy waith i gyd.
Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Caniedydd yr Ysgol Sul 1899

Tôn [878787]: Nid Oes Neb / None Too Young
    (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)

There is none too small to love thee,
  None too small to sing thy praise;
None too small to serve thee,
  None too small to come to thy vineyard.
Dear Jesus, beloved Jesus,
  In thy work let us be.

Although so little today we know,
  We know that thou dost love us;
Although there be great care for us,
  There is no care of anyone like thee:
Dear Jesus, beloved Jesus,
  Under thy wings keep us.

Teach us, if we get to live for years,
  To love thee better always;
Or, if we get to die early,
  Receive us into thy cosy bosom;
Dear Jesus, beloved Jesus,
  Keep us all in thy work.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion
There is none too young to love Thee,
  None too young to sing Thy praise,
None too young to ever serve Thee,
  Nor to reach Thy throne of grace.
Blessed Jesus, Shepherd, truly,
  In Thy service let us be.

Teach us all throughout life's journey,
  E'er to seek the things above;
But if death should early meet us,
  Take us to Thine arms of love.
Blessed Jesus, Shepherd, truly,
  In Thy service let us be.
tr. Daniel Protheroe 1866-1934
Cân a Mawl / Song and Praise 1918

Tune [878787]: Nid Oes Neb / None Too Young
    (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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