Nis gwyddom pa ddydd daw ein Harglwydd

("Ei weled Ef megis ag y mae")
Nis gwyddom pa ddydd daw ein Harglwydd
  I symud ein gofid a'n wae;
Ond gwyddom cawn
    fod ar Ei ddelw,
  A'i weled Ef fel ag y mae:
Nis gwyddom pa faint
    fydd Ei gwmni,
  Na maint eu gogoniant a'u bri -
Ond gwyddom bydd anthem calfaria'r
  Gerddoriaeth felysaf i ni.

Nis gwyddom mor hardd
    fydd ein cartref,
  Na faint fydd llawenydd y llu,
Ond gwyddom cawn
    groesaw gan Iesu,
  A dyna fydd nefoedd i ni;
O Iesu! ein Ceidwad bendigaid,
  A hoeliwyd ar groes Calfari -
Bydd gweled Dy wyneb a'th wenau
  Yn nefoedd dragwyddol i ni!
Thomas Levi 1825-1916

Tôn [9898D]:
Bethel (alaw Gymreig)
Crugybar (J Cleddan Williams)

("See Him as He is")
We do not know what day our Lord shall come
  To remove our grief and our woe;
But we know we shall get
    to be in his image,
  And see him as he is:
We do not know how great
    shall be his company,
  Nor how great his glory an his renown -
But we know the anthem of Calvary shall be
  The sweetest music to us.

We do not know how beautiful
    shall be our home,
  Nor how great shall be the throng's joy,
But we know we shall get
    a welcome from Jesus,
  And that shall be heaven to us;
O Jesus, our blessed Saviour,
  Who was nailed on the cross of Calvary -
To see thy face and thy smiles shall be
  Eternal heaven to us!
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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