Na flined eich traed, meddiannwn y wlad, Rowd i ni mewn arfaeth drag'wyddol yn rhad; I Abra'm a'i had addawyd y wlad, Meddiannwn ein breintiau a brynwyd â gwa'd: Efe sydd yn ben, fe rwygodd y llen, Ni redwn yr yrfa o'r ddaear i'r nen: Cyfodwn bob un, a'i gledd ar ei glun, Gorchfygwn y cewri yng ngallu Duw dyn: Fel Caleb yn hy, wynebwn y llu, Hwy faeddwyd gan Iesu ar Gafari fry: Daw Israel i'r lan, yn gryf ac yn wan, I wlad yr addewid yn iach yn y man: Bydd Pharao a'i 'stor yn nyfnder y môr, Ac Israel yn ddiogel tan aden eu Duw: Yr achos, gwir yw, fod Israel yn fyw, O waith na chyfnewid eu Priod a'u Duw. Er cymmaint yw eu bai, mae e'n trugarhau, A'i gariad ef attynt byth sydd yn parhau: Fe'u dilyn o hyd, tra f'ont yn y byd, A chwerwon geryddon gwnaiff pechod yn ddrud: Fe'u dysg ym mhob lle i wel'd mai efe Yw'r unig happusrwydd sy'n gael îs y ne': Fy Arglwydd a'm Duw, mi'th folaf tro'i byw, Ti geraist y gwaelaf o holl ddynol-ryw: Diddynfa fy mryd o wagedd y byd, Meddianna fy nghalon a chymmer fi gyd.Morgan Rhys 1716-79 Golwg o Ben Nebo 1775
May your feet not be weary, let us possess the land, Given to us in an eternal plan freely; To Abraham and his seed the land was promised, Let us possess our privileges purchased with blood: He is chief, he rent the curtain, We run the course from the earth to the sky: Let us arise evey one, with his sword on his thigh, Let us overcome the giants in the power of the God-man: Like Caleb boldly, let us face as a host, Those beaten by Jesus on Calvary above: Let Israel come up, strong and weak, To the land of promise whole soon: Pharaoh and his store shall be in the depth of the sea, And Israel safe under the wing of their God: The cause, it is true, That Israel is alive, From the unchanging work of their Spouse and their God. Despite how great is their fault, he is showing mercy, And his love towards them forever is enduring: It will follow them always, while ever they be in the world, With bitter chastisements he will make sin costly: He will teach them in every place to see that he Is the only happiness to be had under heaven: My Lord and my God, I will praise thee while I live, Thou didst love the worst of all human-kind: Entertain my mind from the emptiness of the world, Possess my heart and take me 2016 Richard B Gillion |