Na foed i'm henaid euog trist

(Digonolrwydd Aberth Crist)
Na foed i'm henaid euog trist
  Ond haeddiant Crist yn gyfran;
Ei aberth Ef, llawn ddigon yw
  I feddwl Duw Ei Hunan.

Os daw cydwybod lawn o dân,
  Cyfiawnder glân, a'r gyfraith,
I'm gofyn mwy, fy atteb llawn
  Yw'r Iawn a dalwyd unwaith.

Melldithied Ebal uwch pob bai,
  Taraned Sinai danllyd;
Yn nghysgod Crist, a'i Iawn,
    câf wledd,
  Heb ofni cledd na drygfyd.

Pwy draetha'n llawn ddyfnderoedd gwerth
  Yr aberth a'i fendithion?
I ddyn caed heddwch nef yn ôl,
  A Duw'n dragwyddol foddlon.

Rhyfeddir byth y geni'n dlawd,
  Y byw dàn wawd a chroesau,
Y dioddef cosb heb unrhyw fai,
  A'r ufuddhau heb rwymau.

Yr uchel gân fydd, "Iddo Ef!"
  Trwy nef y nef yn seinio:
Yr ing, yr Iawn,
    a'r gwaedlyd chwŷs,
  A felus gofir yno.
Robert Owen (Eryron Gwyllt Walia) 1803-1870

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Cemmaes (John Williams 1740-1821)
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Dyfroedd Siloah (John Williams 1740-1821)
Gorffwysfa (Rees Williams 1846-1934)
Mary (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Tregeiriog (T Hopkin Evans 1879-1940)

(The Sufficiency of the Sacrifice of Christ)
Let there not be to my sad, guilty soul
  But the merit of Christ as a portion;
His sacrifice, fully sufficient it is
  To the thought of God Himself.

If a conscience full of fire comes,
  Pure righteousness, and the law,
To demand more of me, my full reply
  Is the Satisfaction which was paid once.

Let Ebal curse above every fault,
  Let fiery Sinai thunder;
In the shadow of Christ, and his Satisfaction,
    I shall get a feast,
  Without fear of sword or evil times.

Who will expound fully the depths of the worth
  Of the sacrifice and its blessings?
To man let there be the peace of heaven found,
  And God eternally satisfied.

To be wondered at forever is the poor birth,
  The living under scorn and crosses,
The suffering punishment without any fault,
  And the submitting without bonds.

The high song will be, "Unto Him!"
  Throughout the heaven of heaven sounding:
The anguish, the Satisfaction,
    and the bloody sweat,
  Is sweetly to be remembered there.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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