Na thaw O Arglwydd wrth y rhai

Na thaw O Arglwydd, wrth y rhai
  Sy'n llanw tai oferedd;
Eu rhyfyg dangos fel y mae,
  A'r gwae sydd yn y diwedd.

O llwydda bob ymdrechion gwir
  I argyhoeddi'r meddwon;
A gwna y sêl i'w hennill hwy
  Yn fwy trwy gyrrau Seion.

Diolchwn am y newydd gaed
  Am ddwyfol waed i furo;
Drwy rinwedd hwn
    daw'r meddw'n lân,
  A newydd gân roir iddo.
Owen Griffith (Alafon) 1847-1916

Tôn [MS 8787]: Gwynfryn (D W Lewis 1846-1900)

Be not silent, O Lord, to those
  Who are filling houses of vanity;
Their recklessness show for what it is,
  And the woe which there is in the end.

O prosper all true struggles
  To persuade the drunkards;
And make the zeal to win them
  Greater throughout the borders of Zion.

Let us give thanks for the news got
  About divine blood to purify;
Throught its merits
    may the drunkard become clean,
  And a new song be given to him.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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