Na thro'r Gwaredwr yn dy ol, Na wrthod oleu'r nefoedd fawr; Nac ymgaleda, na fydd ffol, O cred y Nghrist, cred ynddo'n awr. Cred ynddo'n awr, cred ynddo'n awr, O cred y Nghrist, cred ynddo'n awr. Pwy wyr y cyfyd i ti haul, Ar ol machludo heno i lawr? Hwn ydyw dydd trugaredd hael; O tyr'd at Grist - tyr'd ato'n awr. Nid oes gan ddiafol, cnawd, na byd, I lenwi eisiau d'enaid mawr; Yn Iesu cei bob cyfoeth drud; Tyr'd ato ef - tyr'd ato'n awr. Mae'n para i alw eto, clyw, Ei ras sydd fel y moroedd mawr; Paham gwrthodi? - tro, bydd fyw; Mae'n derbyn pawb; - tro ato'n awr. Mae heddyw'n cadw'r gwaethaf gaed, Mae'n maddeu'r beiau mwyaf mawr; Anfeidrol ydyw rhin ei waed; Tyr'd ato ef - tyr'd ato'n awr.cyf. John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77 Swn y Juwbili 1876 Tôn [8888+88]: Na Thro'r Gwaredwr Yn Dy Ol |
Do not turn the Deliverer behind thee, Nor reject the light of great heaven; Do not become hardened, neither be foolish, O believe in Christ, believe in him now! Believe in him now, believe in him now, O believe in Christ, believe in him now! Who knows that the sun will rise for thee, After its going down this night? This is the day of generous mercy; O come to Christ - come to him now! The devil, the flesh nor the world have anything, To fill the great need of thy soul; In Jesus thou wilt get costly wealth; Come to him - come to him now! He continues to call still, hear, His grace is like the great seas; Why wilt thou refuse? - turn, thou shalt live; He is receiving all;- turn to him now. Today he is keeping the worst there is, He is forgiving the greatest of great faults; Immeasurable is the merit of his blood; Come to him - come to him now!tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |