Nef o achubol ras a hedd

(Lord what a heav'n of saving grace)

(Mwynhad o Grist)
Nef o achubol ras a hedd,
  Sydd, Iesu, yn dy ddysglaer wedd,
Yn enyn ein serchiadau'n dān
  I garu a moli'th enw glān.

Pan deimlwyf lewyrch wyneb Duw,
  Pan allwyf dd'weyd mai feiddo yw,
Lawr dan fy nhraed rwy'n sathru'r byd,
  Ei fawredd a'i bleserau i gyd.

Tro'n llygaid a'n heneidiau ar waith,
  I edrych ar d'ogoniant maith;
Ni allem yma dreulio'n rhwydd,
  Un dydd trag'wyddol yn dy ŷydd.

Cysuron dy ddeheulaw bur
  Rho in' wrth deithio'r anial dir;
Ac yn dy deml O! gād i ni
  Wel'd llewyrch teg dy wyneb di.
Yn enyn ein serchiadau'n :: Yn rhoi'n serchiadau oll ar
garu a moli :: garu, moli
allwyf :: fedraf
heneidiau ar waith :: heneidiau'r waith
O! gād i ni :: rho i ni

cyf. Casgliad o Hymnau (Calfinaidd) 1859

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Arundel (<1875)
Boston (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(The Enjoyment of Christ)
A heaven of saving grace and peace,
  Is, Jesus, in thy shining countenance,
Igniting our affections as a fire
  To lov and praise thy pure name.

When I feel the gleam of God's face,
  When I can say that he is mine,
Down under my feet I am trampling the world,
  Its greatness and its pleasures altogether.

Turn our eyes and our souls at times,
  To look on thy vast glory;
We cannot here spend freely,
  One eternal day in thy presence.

The comforts of thy pure right hand
  Give us while travelling the desert land;
And in thy temple, oh let us
  See the fair radiance of thy face.
Igniting our affections as a :: Setting all our affections on
love and praise :: love, praise
oh let us :: grant us to

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

Lord, what a heav'n of saving grace
Shines through the beauties of thy face,
  And lights our passions to a flame!
  Lord, how we love thy charming name!

When I can say, "My God is mine,"
When I can feel thy glories shine,
  I tread the world beneath my feet,
  And all that earth calls good or great.

While such a scene of sacred joys
Our raptured eyes and souls employs,
  Here we could sit, and gaze away
  A long, an everlasting day.

Send comforts down from thy right hand,
While we pass through this barren land,
  And in thy temple let us see
  A glimpse of love, a glimpse of thee.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [LM 8888]:
Avignon (Zinceti)
Devotion (A D Carden 1792-1859)
Dunfield (Carmina Sacra 1841)
Hallifax (Martin Madan 1725-90)
Leipzig (The Psalmodist)
Loving-Kindness (Western Melody)
  Shepherd (Peter Phillips 1834-95)
Ware (George Kingsley 1811-84)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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