Nef o achubol ras a hedd, Sydd, Iesu, yn dy ddysglaer wedd, Yn enyn ein serchiadau'n dān I garu a moli'th enw glān. Pan deimlwyf lewyrch wyneb Duw, Pan allwyf dd'weyd mai feiddo yw, Lawr dan fy nhraed rwy'n sathru'r byd, Ei fawredd a'i bleserau i gyd. Tro'n llygaid a'n heneidiau ar waith, I edrych ar d'ogoniant maith; Ni allem yma dreulio'n rhwydd, Un dydd trag'wyddol yn dy ŷydd. Cysuron dy ddeheulaw bur Rho in' wrth deithio'r anial dir; Ac yn dy deml O! gād i ni Wel'd llewyrch teg dy wyneb di. garu a moli :: garu, moli allwyf :: fedraf heneidiau ar waith :: heneidiau'r waith O! gād i ni :: rho i ni cyf. Casgliad o Hymnau (Calfinaidd) 1859
Tonau [MH 8888]: |
A heaven of saving grace and peace, Is, Jesus, in thy shining countenance, Igniting our affections as a fire To lov and praise thy pure name. When I feel the gleam of God's face, When I can say that he is mine, Down under my feet I am trampling the world, Its greatness and its pleasures altogether. Turn our eyes and our souls at times, To look on thy vast glory; We cannot here spend freely, One eternal day in thy presence. The comforts of thy pure right hand Give us while travelling the desert land; And in thy temple, oh let us See the fair radiance of thy face. love and praise :: love, praise :: :: oh let us :: grant us to tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |
Lord, what a heav'n of saving grace Shines through the beauties of thy face, And lights our passions to a flame! Lord, how we love thy charming name! When I can say, "My God is mine," When I can feel thy glories shine, I tread the world beneath my feet, And all that earth calls good or great. While such a scene of sacred joys Our raptured eyes and souls employs, Here we could sit, and gaze away A long, an everlasting day. Send comforts down from thy right hand, While we pass through this barren land, And in thy temple let us see A glimpse of love, a glimpse of thee.
Tunes [LM 8888]: |