Nefol byrth dyrchefwch chwi

(Salm XXIV - Rhan II)
Nefol byrth, dyrchefwch chwi,
Oll eich pennau'n uchel fry;
  Ymddyrchefwch chwithau i gyd,
  Oesol ddrysau'r bythol fyd;

A groesäwch adre'n awr
Frenin y gogoniant mawr.
  Pwy yw'r Brenin mawr ei fri
  Am yr hwn y cenwch chwi?

'R Arglwydd Iôr, y nerthol Dduw,
Cadarn iawn mewn rhyfel yw.
  Nefol byrth, dyrchefwch chwi
  Oll eich pennau'n uchel fry;

Ymddyrchefwch chwithau i gyd,
Oesol ddrysau'r bythol fyd,
  A groesäwch adre'n awr
  Frenin y gogoniant mawr.

Pwy yw'r Brenin mawr ei fri
Am yr hwn y cenwch chwi?
  Duw y lluoedd yw ein cân,
  Brenin y gogoniant glân.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: 7777]

(Psalm 24 - Part 2)
Heavenly gates, raise ye up,
All your heads high above!
  Be lifted up, all ye
  Age-old doors of the everlasting world!

And welcome ye home now
The great King of glory!
  Who is the King of great esteem
  About whom ye sing?

The Sovereign Lord, the mighty God,
Very strong in battle is he.
  Heavenly gates, raise ye up
  All your heads high above;

Be ye all lifted up,
Age-old doors of the everlasting world!
  And welcome home now
  The great King of glory!

Who is the King of great esteem
About whom ye sing?
  The God of host is our song,
  The King of holy glory.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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