Ni all rhaid, ac ni all natur

(Gallu ac awdurdod Crist)
Ni all rhaid, ac ni all natur,
  Wrthwynebu dim o'th air;
Saif yr haul a'r holl blanedau,
  Os fy Iesu iddynt bair:
Esmwyth it' yw gwneyd a fynot;
  Dwêd y gair, a dyna fi
'Mhell uwch law fy holl elynion
  Ar y bryniau hyfryd fry!

Dwêd, "Goleuni boed," fe fydda,
  Dwêd, "Disgleiried sêr y ne',"
Fe ddisgleiria haul a lleuad
  Oll yn hyfryd yn eu lle;
Edrych arnaf, bydd tangnefedd,
  Derfydd stwr y storom fawr;
Tawel hedd, fel boreu hyfryd,
  A dywyna arna'i'n awr.

Gwena arnaf, D'wysog bywyd,
  Yna gwged arna'i'r byd;
Ynot f'enaid sy'n ymddiried
  Uwch law meibion Adda i gyd;
Rho addewid byddi gydaf,
  Unrhyw rwystr îs y nef,
Doed o'r ddae'r neu uffern gadarn,
  'Dofnaf ddim o hono ef.

Ti yw gwrthddrych mawr fy ofnau,
  Gwrthddrych fy llawenydd pur;
Atat mae fy nymuniadau,
  Atat mae fy ngobaith pur;
Pob peth etto welodd llygad
  A ddiflanodd arna'i'n lân,
Aeth eu bod, ac aeth eu henwau,
  Oll yn ddiddim o fy mlaen.
Wrthwynebu :: I wrth'nebu
fynot :: fyni
dyna :: thyna

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Trefecca (<1869)
Vienna (Franz Joseph Haydn 1732-1809)

(The power and authority of Christ)
Neither need, nor nature, can
  Withstand anything from thy word;
The sun and all the planets will stand still,
  If my Jesus causes them to:
It is easy for thee to do as thou wilt;
  Say the word, and there I am
Far above all my enemies
  On the delightful hills above!

Say, "Let there be light," it shall be,
  Day, "Let the stars of heaven shine,"
The sun and moon shall shine
  All delightfully in their place;
Look upon me, peace shall be,
  The disturbance of the great storm shall vanish;
Quiet peace, like a delightful morning,
  Shall shine upon me now.

Smile upon me, Prince of life,
  Then let the world frown upon me;
In thee my soul is trusting
  Above all the sons of Adam;
Give a promise that thou wilt be with me,
  Any obstacle under heaven,
Let it come from the earth or firm hell,
  I shall not fear any of it.

Thou art the great object of my fears,
  The object of my pure joy;
For thee are my desires,
  Upon thee is my pure hope;
Everything an eye has yet seen
  Has ceased to exist for me totally
Their being went, and their names went,
  All to nothing before me.

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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