Ni awn ar ol yr Iesu

Ni awn ar ol yr Iesu
  Drwy fedydd heddyw'n llon;
Mae'i gariad yn cynesu
  Pob teimlad yn ein bron:
Dirmygwn bob gwaradwydd,
  Ymffrostiwn yn y groes;
A dilyn camrau'n Harglwydd
  Fo'n hanian trwy ein hoes.

Ceir cynllun trefn y cadw
  Mewn darlun yn y dòn;
Mae bywyd Crist a'i farw
  Yn eglur ger ein bron:
Cawn yma'i adgyfodiad
  Ar foreu'r trydydd dydd;
Mor anwyl yw'r portread
  Yn nghadw'n Seion sydd!

Ol traed ein Iesu ffyddlon
  Sy'n anwyl iawn i ni;
A theimla'r pererinion
  Ei wawd yn troi yn fri:
Dilynwn ninau'i gamrau
  Drwy'r ordinhad fel hyn;
Cawn dderbyn o'i weniadau
  Heb lén ar Seion fryn.
Hugh Cernyw Williams (Cernyw) 1843-1937

Tôn [7676D]: Aurelia (S S Wesley 1810-76)

We go after Jesus
  Through baptism today cheerfully;
His love is warming
  Every feeling in our breast:
Let us despise all shame,
  Let us boast in the cross;
And may following the steps of our Lord
  Be our nature throughout our lifetime.

An outline of the plan of salvation is had
  In a picture on the wave;
The life of Christ and his death are
  Clear before us:
Here we may have his resurrection
  On the morning of the third day;
How dear is the portrait
  That is kept in Zion!

The footprints of our faithful Jesus
  Are very dear to us;
And the pilgrims will feel
  His scorn turning to fame:
Let us too follow his steps
  Through the ordinance thus;
We may get to receive from his weaknesses
  Without a curtain on Zion hill.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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