Ni ddichon seraph, er ei ddawn, Amgyffred cariad Duw yn llawn; Beth oedd y gras achubol pur Pan drengai Crist o gariad gwir? Pa fwyaf i'w ddyfnderoedd e'ir, Mwyfwy o ryfeddodau geir, Rhy fach yw'r nef, rhy fach yw'r byd, I gynnwys cariad Duw i gyd.Casgliad o dros 2000 o Hymnau (Samuel Roberts) 1841 - - - - - Ni ddichon seraph, er ei ddawn, Amgyffred cariad Duw yn llawn; Beth oedd y gras achubol pur Pan drengai Crist o gariad gwir? Mae Duw a'i gariad rhad yr un, "Duw cariad yw," medd gwir ei hun; Rhy fach yw'r nef, rhy fach yw'r byd, I gynnwys cariad Duw i gyd.Deuddeg Cant ag Un o Hymnau 1868 [Mesur: MH 8888] |
No seraph is able, despite his talent, Grasp the love of God fully; What was the pure, saving grace When Christ died from his true love? The more into the depths one goes, The more wonders are found, To small is heaven, too small is the world, To include all the love of God. - - - - - No seraph is able, despite his talent, Grasp the love of God fully; What was the pure, saving grace When Christ died from his true love? God and his free love are the same, "God is love," says truth itself; To small is heaven, too small is the world, To include all the love of 2017 Richard B Gillion |