Ni ddylem ufuddhau I'r pethau amlwg union, A roddwyd byth i ni a'n plant, Hwynt yw gogoniant Seion. Gwrthddrychau'r gair yn wir A fernir yn ysprydol, O'r rhai'n nis iawn ddeallir un Gan enaid dyn anianol. Fe'i cuddiodd Naf yn ol, Rhag cedyrn fydol ddeothion, Dewisodd Duw ddadguddio rhai'n I'r bychain a'r tylodion. Uwchlaw amgyffred gŵr, Iaith y Creawdwr ydyw, I guddio balchder rhag pob un Ni ddirnad dyn yr unryw. Crynodeb cadarn yw Llyfr hanes Duw'r gweirionedd, Am ansawdd, trefn, a threigl y byd, O'r dechreu hyd y diwedd. Pob cyflawn ddoniau cair Yn nwyfawl Air y nefoedd, Rhinweddau, breintiau yn ddibrin, Priodol i'n hysprydoedd. Gwir gynghor Ior ei hun Sy'n arwain dyn yn dyner, I'r nefoedd fry, drwy ddŵr a than, Yn llwybrau glân cyfiawnder. Nyni sydd yn mwynhau Yr Ysgrythyrau sanctaidd, Na thrown at ofer sain y byd A'i chwedlau ynfyd gwrachaidd. Na cheisiwn drin yn chwith, Mewn tywyll na rhith cybydd-dod, Ac na wyrdröwn mo air y ffydd, Ein barnwr fydd rhyw ddiwrnod. Gwae hwnw wnel leihau Gair y ddiau addewid, Nac a chwanego ddim ychwaith At berffaith gyfraith rhyddid. Llafuriwn well-well, fwy, Fwy yn a thrwy'r athrawiaeth; Gair Ior, a'i drysor mawr diri', A fyddo'n etifeddiaeth.1810 Dafydd Owen (Dewi Wyn) 1784-1841 [Mesur: MBC 6787] |
We ought to obey The things directly obvious, Which are given forever to us and our children, They are the glory of Zion. The objects of the word truly Are to be judged spiritually, Of them not one is to be understood aright By the soul of natural man. The Lord hid them back From the strong worldly wise, God chose to reveal those To the children and the poor. Above the grasp of man, The language of the Creator is, To hide pride from every one Man shall not comprehend a single one. A firm compendium is The book of the God of truth's story, About the nature, arrangement and running of the world, From the beginning until the end. All full gifts are to be had In the divine Word of heaven, Virtues, privileges unstinting, Appropriate for our spirits. The true counsel of the Lord himself Is leading man tenderly, To heaven above, through water and fire, In the holy paths of righteousness. And we too who are enjoying The holy Scriptures, Let us not turn to the world's vain sound With its foolish, old wives' tales. Let us not try to treat wrongly, In darkness or the delusion of covetousness, And let us not pervert the word of faith, Our judge it shall be some day. Woe to him who makes light of The word of the doubtless promise, Or adds anything either To the perfect law of freedom. Let us labour better and better, more And more in and through the teaching; The word of the Lord, with its great, numberless treasure, Shall be our 2017 Richard B Gillion |