Ni edrychaf ar ddim arall

(Craig yr oesoedd yn noddfa yn y dymhestl - Rhan II)
Ni edrychaf ar ddim arall,
  Yn unig ond tydi,
Yn griddfan dan yr hoelion,
  Ar fynydd Calfari;
Fy lloches rhag euogrwydd,
  Fy nghymmorth ar bob ton,
Fydd gwaed a dw'r a lifodd,
  O'r archoll dan dy fron.

Yn awr 'rwy'n gorfoleddu,
  Am fod fy stôr a'm sail,
Ar gadarn graig yr oesoedd,
  Sef haeddiant Adda'r ail;
O atteb dros fy meiau,
  A golcha fi â'th waed,
Y'ngwydd yr holl angylion,
  Yn awr ger bron y Tad.

Mi bwysaf arnat, Arglwydd,
  Tra fyddwyf yma'n byw,
Dy angau sydd yn deilwng,
  Ti wyt anfeidrol Dduw:
'Does arall dan y nefoedd,
  All roddi i mi hedd,
A thawel orfoleddu,
  Yn wyneb angau a'r bedd.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829

Tôn [7676D]: New Jerusalem (<1829)

gwelir: Rhan I - O f'enaid moria bellach

(The Rock of ages as a refuge in the tempest - Part 2)
I will not look upon anything else,
  Except thee alone,
Groaning under the nails,
  On the mountain of Calvary;
My refuge from guilt,
  My help upon every wave,
Shall bethe blood and water which flowed,
  From the wound under thy breast.

Now I am rejoicing,
  That my store and my foundation is,
On the firm rock of ages,
  That is, the merit of the second Adam;
O answer for my sins,
  And wash me with thy blood,
In the sight of all the angels,
  Now before the Father.

I will lean upon thee, Lord,
  While ever I am here living,
Is is thy death that is worthy,
  Thou art infinite God:
There is no-one else under heaven,
  Who can give me peace,
And quiet rejoicing,
  In the face of death and the grave.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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