Ni feddwn destyn canu, Ond Iesu yn ddiau; Efe yw ein tangnefedd Sy'n rhyfedd yn parhâu: Agorodd i ni lwybr, I ddysgwyl cysur ddo'd; On'd e ni f'asai ond gwaeo, Ac anobeithio'n bôd. Daeth Iesu mawr mor isel, I'n codi'n uchel iawn; O tàn lywodraeth pechod, Ca'dd myrdd ollyngdod llawn, A dianc uwchlaw daear, A'i thegwch siomgar sail, I fyw ger bron ei orsedd, Ar rinwedd Adda'r ail. Mae myrdd oedd yn golledig, Yn ymyl peryg' noeth, Yn nesu i uffern isod Tan lîd y Duwdod doeth, Yn awr yn dechreu cilio, Oddi yno yn ddiau, At Seiloh a'i ddewisolion, I Sion yn nesâu. Bydd tyrfa hardd ryw ddiwrnod, Yn dyfod at ei dŷ, Ar anifeiliaid buain, Âg adsain hynod gû; Daw rhai ar feirch yn fywiog, Heb ysgog oll bob un; Rhai ar elorau a mulod, Rîf tywod, yn gytûn. Pan elo'r dyrfa adreu I'r un-lle i gadw'r ŵyl, A minnau'n un o hynyn', Â 'nhelyn mewn llawn hwyl, Chwareuaf ar yr anthem I'r Gŵr fu'n Methle'm gynt, Hosanna, bendigedig, Hôff gân, heb ddiffyg gwynt. Os clyw fy nghlustiau priddlyd, Fath hawddfyd fyth a hyn, Rhy ryfedd im' ei ddysgwyl, Mi fydda'n symyl sỳn: Rhifedi gwellt y ddaiar Yn cânu'r hawddgar hym'; Angylion glân a ninnau, Â'n lleisiau oll yn llym.Edward Jones 1761-1836 Hymnau ar Amryw Destynau ac Achosion 1820 [Mesur: 7676D] |
We have no theme of singing, But Jesus, without doubt; He is our peace Which is wonderfully enduring: He opened to us a path, To expect comfort to come; Otherwise we would only be Lamenting and losing heart. Great Jesus became so lowly, To raise us very high; From under the government of sin, A myriad got full release, And escape above the earth, With its fairness of a disappointing basis, To live before his throne, On the merit of the second Adam. There are a myriad who were lost, On the edge of naked danger, Approaching hell below Under the wrath of the wise Trinity, Now beginning to retreat, From there doubtless, To Shiloh and its chosen ones, To Zion approaching. A beautiful throng some day, shall Come to his house, On swift animals, With an echo remarkably dear; Some will come lively on steeds, Without trembling all as one; Some on stretchers and mules, Numerous as sand, in agreement. When the throng goes home To the one place to keep the festival, And I as one of them, With harps in full tune, I shall play on the anthem To the Man who was once in Bethlehem, Hosanna, blessed, A favourite song, without lack of breath. If my earthy ears ever, Hear such pleasure as this, Too wonderful for me to expect, I shall simply be surprised: Numbers as the grass of the earth Singing the beautiful hymn; Holy angels and we, With all our voices 2019 Richard B Gillion |