Ni feddyliais fod fy siwrnai

(Cystudd yn angenrheidiol)
Ni feddyliais fod fy siwrnai
  Trwy lifeiriant oedd mor gryf,
A bod afon ar ol afon,
  Heb un diwedd, heb un rhif:
    Yn eu canol
  'Rwyf yn gwel'd yr ochr draw.

Mi orchfyga'r tonnau mawrion
  Er eu cynnwrf, er eu st&373;r;
Yn lle'm suddo i'r dyfnderoedd
  Caf fy ngolchi gan y d&373;r;
    Mi ddof allan,
  Tua'r nefoedd mae fy nhaith.

Nid oes drwg cael fy nghystuddio
  Lle bo cystudd i mi'n well;
Rhaid trwy'r anial
      i mi deithio
  Cyn cael meddu'r Ganaan bell:
    Wrth y cleddyf
  Dof i feddu tir fy ngwlad. 

'Rwyf yn caru'r pererinion
  Ar y tylau serth y sy,
Ar eu traed ac ar eu dwylaw,
  'N ceisio dringo i fyny fry;
    Ar fy neulin
  Minnau ddof i ben y bryn.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Caio (<1869)
Capel y Ddôl (J D Jones 1827-70)
Hyfrydol (R H Pritchard 1811-87)
Llansannan (alaw Gymreig)
Tyddyn LLwyn (Evan Morgan [Llew Madog] 1846-1920)
Verona (alaw Eidalaidd)

  Mae gelynion i mi'n chwerw
  'Rwyf yn caru'r pererinion

(Afflictions as necessary)
I did not think that my journey would be
  Through a torrent which was so strong,
And that there would be river after river,
  Without any end, without any number:
    In their midst
  I can see the far side.

I shall overcome the great waves
  Despite their tumult, despite their uproar:
Instead of my sinking into the depths
  I will get washed by the water;
    I shall come out,
  Towards the heavens is my journey.

No evil can afflict me
  Where affliction is better for me;
It is necessary for me to travel
      through the wilderness
  Before I get to possess the distant Canaan:
    By the sword
  I shall come to possess my land.

I love the pilgrims
  On the steep hills who are,
On their feet and on their hands,
  Attempting to climb up above;
    On my knees
  I too may come to the top of the hill.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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