Ni roddwn fyny'r Beibl byth

We'll not give up the Bible

Ni roddwn fyny'r Beibl byth
  Gwir sanctaidd Air ein Duw,
Arweinydd diogel ie'nctyd llon
  A chysur henaint yw.
Haul yw yn tywant goleu clir
  Ar ddyrys lwybrau trist;
Lleferydd cariad Duw o'r nef
  Yn galw'r byd at Grist.

Ni roddwn fyny'r Beibl byth,
  Lledaenwn ef bob awr,
Nes clywir ei achubol lais
  Tu draw i'r moroedd mawr;
Hyd nes y teimla pawb ei nerth,
  A thra bo ynom chwyth,
Gwir werthfawr sanctaidd Air ein Duw,
  Ni roddwn fyny byth.
cyf. J Gwyndud Jones 1831-1926
    Llawlyfr Moliant 1890

Tôn [MCD 8686D]: Northumberland
    (Henry Smart 1812-79)

Let us not give up the Bible ever
  The true, holy Word of our God,
The safe guide of cheerful youth
  And comfort of old it is.
Sun is shining a clear light
  On a sad, troublesome paths;
Speaker of the love of God from heaven
  Calling the world to Christ.

Let us not give up the Bible ever,
  Let us spread it every hour,
Until it's saving voice is heard
  Beyond the great seas;
Until everyone feels is strength,
  And while there be in us breath,
The true, precious, holy Word of our God,
  Let us not give up ever.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
We'll not give up the Bible,
  God's holy book of truth;
The blessed staff of hoary age,
  The guide of early youth,
The sun that sheds a glorious light,
  O'er every dreary road,
The voice that speaks a Saviours love
  And calls us home to God.

We'll not give up the Bible,
  But spread it far and wide,
Until its saving voice be heard
  Beyond the rolling tide:
Till all shall know its grcious power,
  And, with one voice and heart,
Resolve that from God's sacred Word
  We'll never, never part!
The New Sabbath School Hosanna 1870

Tune [8686T]: Wir Pflügen (J A P Schultz 1747-1800)

Tune [8686D]: We'll not give up the Bible
    (1870 J H Rosencrans 1844-1926)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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