Ni thâl im' gyfadde' meiau, Ond o flaen gorseddfainc ne'; Duw maddeugar, Tad tosturiol, Duw anfeidrol yw efe; At ei orsedd, &c., Deuaf dan fy mhoenus blâ. Ti faddeuaist fil o feiau I'r pechadur gwaetha'i ryw; Arglwydd, maddeu'n awr i minau; Ar faddeuant 'rwyf yn byw; Dy drugaredd, &c., Yw ngorfoledd a fy ngrym. Cûdd fy meiau rhag y werin, Cûdd hwy rhag cyfiawnder ne'; Cofia'r gwaed unwaith dywalltwyd Ar y croesbren yn fy lle; Yn y dyfnder, &c., Bodda'n awr fy meiau oll.William Williams 1717-91 Tôn [878747]: Ardudwy (John Roberts 1822-77) gwelir: Cudd fy meiau rhag y werin |
It will not pay me to confess my sins, But before the throne of heaven; Forgiving God, merciful Father, Infinite God is he; To his throne, etc., I shall come, under my painful plague. Thou forgavest a thousand faults To the sinners of the worst kind; Lord, forgive me now; For forgiveness I am living; Thy mercy, etc., Is my rejoicing and my strength. Hide my faults from the people, Hide them from heaven's righteousness; Remember the blood once poured out On the wooden tree in my place; In the depth, etc., Drown now all my 2018 Richard B Gillion |