Nid â'r golygon marwol hyn

Not with our mortal eyes

(I Pedr I.8 - Crist yn anweledig, ac yn cael ei garu.)
Nid â'r golygon marwol hyn
  Y darfu'n wel'd yr Iesu;
Ond credu i'w air ein henaid mae,
  A lawenhau a'i garu.

Ni's gwelwn ar y ddaear hon
  'Mo wyneb llon ein Ceidwad;
Etto'n hyfrydwch ni bob cam
  Yw meddwl am ei gariad.

A phan y b'o'm yn profi'n wir
  Ei gariad pur oddi uchod,
Ein henaid sydd yn llawenhau,
  A'r nef sy'n dechreu isod.
Ni's gwelwn :: Ni welwn
Ni's gwelwn ... 'Mo wyneb :: Nis gallwn ... Wel'd gwyneb

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

            - - - - -
(Caru'r Anweledig)
Nid â'r golygon marwol hyn
  Mae modd in' wel'd yr Iesu;
Ond golwg ffydd a'n dwg yn glau
  I lawenhau, a'i garu.

Nis gwelwn ar y ddaear hon
  Mo wyneb llon ein Ceidwad;
Ond ein hyfrydwch ni bob cam
  Fo meddwl am ei gariad.

A phan y bo'm yn profi'n wir
  Ei gariad pur oddi uchod,
Ein henaid sydd yn llawenhau,
  A'r nef sy'n dechreu isod.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (Samuel Roberts) 1841

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(I Peter 1:8 - Christ as unseen, and being loved.)
Not with these mortal views
  Must we see Jesus;
But believing in his word is our soul,
  And rejoicing and loving him.

We shall not see on this earth
  The cheerful face of our Saviour;
Still our delight every step
  Is thinking about his love.

And when we are experiencing truly
  His pure love from above,
Our soul is rejoicing,
  And heaven is beginning below.
We shall not see ... The ... face :: We cannot ... See the ... face


               - - - - -
(Loving the Unseen)
Not with these mortal views
  Is the way for us to see Jesus;
But the view of faith will lead us quickly
  To rejoice, and to love him.

We shall not see on this earth,
  The cheerful face of our Saviour;
But may our delight every step
  Be thinking about his love.

And when we are experiencing truly
  His pure love from above,
Our soul is rejoicing,
  And heaven is beginning below.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(Unseen, we love.)
Not with our mortal eyes
  Have we beheld the Lord;
Yet we rejoice to hear His name,
  And love Him in His word.

On earth we want the sight
  Of our Redeemer's face;
Yet, Lord, our inmost thoughts delight
  To dwell upon Thy grace.

And when we taste Thy love,
  Our joys divinely grow
Unspeakable, like those above,
  And Heaven begins below.


              - - - - -
(Unseen, we love.)
Not with our mortal eyes
  Have we beheld the Lord;
Yet we rejoice to hear His name,
  And love Him in His word.

On earth we want the sight
  Of our Redeemer's face;
Yet, Lord, our inmost thoughts delight
  To dwell upon Thy grace.

And when we taste Thy love,
  Our joys divinely grow
Unspeakable, like those above,
  And Heaven begins below.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [SM 6686]:
Arlington (Thomas A Arne 1710-78)
Carlisle (Charles Lockhart c.1745-1815)
Dover (1770 Aaron Williams 1731-76)
Stillingfleet (Swiss Melody)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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