Nid i gondemnio dynol ryw

Not to condemn the sons of men

(Dibenion dyfodiad Crist)
Nid i gondemnio dynol ryw
Yr ymddangosodd gwir Fab Duw;
Un arf ni welwyd yn ei law,
Na thanllyd gledd i beri braw.

Ond cymmaint oedd tosturi Duw,
A'i gariad rhad at ddynol ryw;
  Anfonodd ef ei Fab ei hun
  I'r byd, i achub euog ddyn.

Cysuron fil o'i enau ddaw,
Bendithion fyrdd a rydd ei law,
  I bawb yn gwir droi atto sy,
  Gan gredu yn ei enw cu.
1831 Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees)
- - - - -
(Anfoniad Crist i'r byd)
Nid i gondemnio dynol ryw
Yr ymddangosodd Crist, Mab Duw;
  Un arf ni welwyd yn ei law,
  Na thanllyd gledd i beri braw.

Ond cymaint oedd tosturi Duw,
A'i gariad rhad at ddynol-ryw,
  Nes rhoddi ei Fab i ddwyn ein bai,
  A chadw'n henaid rhag y gwae.

Dewch, bechaduriaid, at Fab Duw,
I gredu ynddo, a bythol fyw;
  Cysuron fil o'i enau ddaw,
  Bendithion fyrdd a rydd ei law.
tr. Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841
- - - - -
1,2,3,4;  1,2,4,5.
Nid i gondemnio dynol ryw
Yr ymddangosodd gwir Fab Duw;
  Un arf ni welwyd yn ei law,
  Na thanllyd gledd i beri braw.

Ond cymaint oedd tosturi Duw,
A'i gariad rhad at ddynol ryw;
  Anfonodd Ef ei Fab ei hun
  I'r byd i achub euog ddyn.

Ei gariad neidiodd uchder mawr,
  O faith eithafoedd nef i lawr;
Nis gall'sai tân nac afon gref
  I atal ei ddyfodiad Ef.

De'wch bechaduriaid at Fab Duw,
A chredwch yn ei enw gwiw;
  Cysuron fil o'i enau ddaw,
  Bendithion fyrdd a rydd ei law.

O! dyma drysor mawr a drud,
Y gwaed a lifodd dros y byd;
  Na fydded ond ei farwol glwy'
  Yn sylfaen ein caniadau mwy.
3 : tr. Emynau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883
4-5: tr. Llawlyfr Moliant 1880
- - - - -
Nid i gondemnio dynolryw
Yr ymddanghosodd gwir Fab Duw;
  Un arf ni welwyd yn ei law,
  Na thanllyd gledd i beri braw.

Ond cymaint oedd tosturi Duw,
A'i gariad rhad at ddynolryw!
  Anfonodd Ef ei Fab ei hun
  I'r byd i farw dros bob ddyn.

Cydgandodd yr angylion fry
Eu hanthem fwyn i'n Ceidwad cu;
  Cydseiniwn ninau oll yn awr
  Wir glod am eni'r Iesu mawr.

Doed holl drigolion daear gron
I blygu'n isel ger ei fron;
  Gan waeddi'n llawen iawn eu llef,
  Yr arglwydd yw, coroner ef.
cyf. Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Weimar (<1876)
Worcester (Accepted Widdop 1750-1801)

(The purposes of the coming of Christ)
Not to condemn human kind
Did the true Son of God appear;
No weapon was seen in his hand,
Nor fiery sword to cause terror.

But so great was God's mercy,
And his free love towards human kind;
  He sent his own Son
  To the world, to save guilty man.

A thousand comforts come from his mouth,
A myriad blessings his hand gives,
  To all who truly turn to him,
  Believing in his dear name.
- - - - -
(The sending of the Son)
Not to condemn human kind
Did the true Son of God appear;
  Not one weapon was seen in his hand,
  Nor fiery sword to cause terror.

But so great was the mercy of God
And his free love towards human kind;
  That he gave his Son to take away our fault,
  And keep our soul from woe.

Come, sinners, to the Son of God,
To believe in him, and live forever;
  A thousand comforts from his mouth will come,
  And a myriad blessings his hand shall give.
- - - - -
Not to condemn human kind
Did the true Son of God appear;
  Not one weapon was seen in his hand,
  Nor fiery sword to cause terror.

But so great was the mercy of God,
And his free love towards human kind;
  He sent his own Son
  To the world to save guilty man.

His love leapt a great height,
  From the vast extremity of heaven down;
Neither fire nor a strong river could
  Stop His coming.

Come, sinners, to the Son of God,
And believe in his worthy name;
  A thousand comforts from his mouth will come,
  A myriad blessings his hand shall give.

Oh, here is treasure great and costly,
The blood which flowed for a world;
  Nothing his mortal wound shall be
  The basis of our songs henceforth.
- - - - -
Not to condemn humankind
Did the true Son of God appear;
  Not one weapon was seen in his hand,
  Nor fiery sword to cause terror.

How wonderful was the mercy of God,
And his free love to humankind!
  He sent His own Son
  To the world to die for every man.

The angels above joined in singing
Their gentle anthem to the dear Saviour;
  Let us too all sound together now
  True praise for the name of great Jesus.

Let all the residents of the round earth come
To bow low before him;
  While shouting very joyfully their cry,
  The Lord he is, he is to be crowned!
tr. 2014,15 Richard B Gillion
Not to condemn the sons of men,
  Did Christ, the Son of God, appear;
No weapons in His hands are seen,
  No flaming sword nor thunder there.

Such was the pity of our God,
  He loved the race of man so well,
He sent His Son to bear our load
  Of sins, and save our souls from hell.

Sinners, believe the Saviour's word,
  Trust in His mighty name and live;
A thousand joys His lips afford,
  His hands a thousand blessings give.
- - - - -
Not to condemn the sons of men,
  Did Christ, the Son of God, appear;
No weapons in His hands are seen,
  No flaming sword nor thunder there.

Such was the pity of our God,
  He loved the race of man so well,
He sent His Son to bear our load
  Of sins, and save our souls from hell.

Sinners, believe the Saviour's word,
  Trust in His mighty name and live;
A thousand joys His lips afford,
  His hands a thousand blessings give.
- - - - -
Not to condemn the sons of men,
  Did Christ, the Son of God, appear;
No weapons in His hands are seen,
  No flaming sword nor thunder there.

Such was the pity of our God,
  He loved the race of man so well,
He sent His Son to bear our load
  Of sins, and save our souls from hell.

Sinners, believe the Saviour's word,
  Trust in His mighty name and live;
A thousand joys His lips afford,
  His hands a thousand blessings give.

- - - - -
Not to condemn the sons of men,
  Did Christ, the Son of God, appear;
No weapons in His hands are seen,
  No flaming sword nor thunder there.

Such was the pity of our God,
  He loved the race of man so well,
He sent His Son to bear our load
  Of sins, and save our souls from hell.

Sinners, believe the Saviour's word,
  Trust in His mighty name and live;
A thousand joys His lips afford,
  His hands a thousand blessings give.

Let every kindred, every tribe,
  On this terrestrial ball,
To him all majesty ascribe,
  And crown him Lord of all.
1-3: Isaac Watts 1674-1748
    Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Book I, 1707.
4: Edward Perronet 1726-92

Tune: [LM 8888]: Warrington (Ralph Harrison 1748-1810)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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