Nid o'r ddaear mae fy mhleser

(Hiraethu am ddedwyddwch)
Nid o'r ddaear mae fy mhleser,
  Nid o'r ddaear mae fy ngrym;
Nid o'r ddaear mae'm llawenydd,
  Tlawd wyf yma, 'feddaf ddim;
    Draw'r Iorddonen
  Mae fy nghyfoeth a fy ngwlad.

Dyred hyfryd fore tawel,
  Dyred hapus ddedwydd ddydd,
Pan fo'r dôrau pres i agor,
  A'r carcharor fyn'd yn rhydd;
    Rho arwyddion
  O fod hyny yn nesâu.

O gwasgerwch dew gymylau,
  I'r addewid rhoddwch le;
Nid i'r ddaear yma'm ganwyd,
  Tragwyddoldeb yw fy lle:
    'N ol tywyllwch
  Cwyd o'r diwedd fore wawr.

Draed lluddedig, dewch i fynu,
  Ymestynwch, ddwylaw, mlaen;
Draw mae'r wobr, draw mae'r goron,
  Draw mae 'Mhrïod hawddgar glân:
    Ffarwel bellach -
  'Chofiaf ddim ond pen fy nhaith.

              - - - - -
(Hiraethu am ddedwyddwch)
Nid o'r ddaear mae fy mhleser,
  Nid o'r ddaear mae fy ngrym,
Nid o'r ddaear mae'm llawenydd,
  Tlawd wyf yma - 'feddaf ddim:
    'Draw'r Iorddonen,
  Mae fy nghyfoeth a fy ngwlad. 

Nef yw meddiant yr angylion,
  Daear ydyw meddiant dyn;
Ond fe ddarfu'm ffydd i wneuthur
  Nef a daear fawr yn un;
    'R wyf yn hòni
  Hawl i'r oll sydd gan fy Nuw.

Mae fy enaid yn ehedeg,
  Ac yn dringo i fyny fry:
Mae fy esgyrn yn ymdrwsio
  I lechu yn y ddaear ddu;
    Mi ddo'n gryno
  Eto 'nghyd ryw ddydd i ddaw.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Agathe (Carl M von Weber 1786-1826)
Alma (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Caio (Maurice Green 1696-1755)
Peniel (Isaac Tucker 1761-1825)
Tamworth (alaw henafol)
Wenlock (<1835)

  Mae fy enaid am/yn ehedeg
  O gwasgerwch dew gymylau
  'Rwi'n dy garu er nas gwelais
  Y mae gwedd dy wyneb grasol

(Longing for Happiness)
Not from the earth is my pleasure,
  Not from the earth is my strength;
Not from the earth is my joy,
  Poor am I here, I possess nothing;
    Beyond the Jordan
  Is my wealth and my land.

Come, quiet, delightful morning,
  Come, happy, blessed day,
When the doors of brass are to open,
  And the prisoner to go free;
    Give signs
  Of this being drawing near.

O scatter the thick clouds,
  To the promise yield ye place;
Not for this earth was I born,
  Eternity is my place:
    After darkness
  Rise eventually, morning dawn!

Corrupt feet, come up,
  Stretch, ye two hands, forwards;
Yonder is the reward, yonder is the crown,
  Yonder is my beautiful, holy Spouse:
    Farewell henceforth -
  I will remember only my destination.

              - - - - -
(Longing for Happiness)
Not from the earth is my pleasure,
  Not from the earth is my strength,
Not from the earth is my joy,
  Poor am I here- I possess nothing:
    Beyond the Jordan,
  Is my wealth and my land.

Heaven is the possession of the angels,
  Earth is the possession of man;
But my faith ceases to make
  Heaven and great earth as one;
    I am claiming
  A right to al that my God has.

My soul is flying,
  And climbing up above:
My bones are preparing themselves
  To hide in the black earth;
    I shall be gathered
  Together again some day to come.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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