Nid oes angel nid oes seraph

(Ffordd iachawdwriaeth)
1,2,3;  1,2,4;  1,(2),4,5,6.
Nid oes angel, nid oes seraph,
  Yn y nefoedd fawr a gaed,
All'sai ffeindio allan foddion,
  I fy enaid gael iachâd;
Mae yma ddyfnder o ddirgelion,
  Maith goruchel iawn eu rhyw,
A ddyfeisiwyd cyn bod amser,
  Gan ddoethineb bur fy Nuw.

Mae priodoliaethau'r Duwdod
  Yma'n cael eu cyfiawn le -
Ei gyfiawnder a'i wirionedd,
  A'i sancteiddrwydd perffaith e';
Y mae cariad, a thrugaredd,
  A doethineb, yma ynghyd,
Yn cael hyfryd ymhyfrydu
  Yn achubiaeth f'enaid drud.

Eiddof fi yw fy Anwylyd,
  Gwnaed cyfammod gwerthfawr rhad:
Nid â pherlau'r byd
    ei seliwyd,
  Ond â dwyfol, nefol waed;
Nerth tragwyddol a ymrwymodd,
  Holl ddoethineb mawr y nen,
I gael gwel'd yr iota leiaf
  O'r cyfammod hwn i ben.

Mae'm cydwybod oedd mewn terfysg,
  Ac yn ofni'n arw iawn,
Heddyw'n dechreu a llonyddu,
  Wel'd y Meichai'n talu'n llawn;
Taliad holl ofynion Duwdod,
  Ag sydd o anfeidrol fri,
Taliad holl ofynion cyfraith,
  Taliad sicr iawn i mi.

O ddyfnderoedd! O ddoethineb!
  O ddyfnderoedd maith o ras!
O ddyfnderoedd anchwiliadwy!
  Fythol uwch eu chwilio maes:
Mae seraphiaid nef yn edrych,
  Gyda syndod bob yr un,
Ar ddyfnderoedd cariad dwyfol!
  Duw yn marw tros y dyn!

Fyth i'r Tad y bo'r gogoniant,
  Roi a derbyn y fath rodd;
Fyth i'r Mab y bo'r un moliant,
  Am ddisgyn yma 'lawr o'i fodd!
Fyth i'r Ysbryd bo'r anrhydedd,
  Am ddatguddio'r ddyfais râd;
Ac am selio a rhoi ernes!
  Fod Eiriolwr gyda'm Tâd.
priodoliaethau'r Duwdod ::        
        perffeithiau mawr y Duwdod

Yma :: Yna
Fyth :: Byth

- - - - -
(Doethineb Duw)
Nid oes angel, nid oes seraph,
  Yn y nefoedd wen yr un,
All'sai chwilio allan foddion,
  I waredu euog dyn;
Mae yma ddyfnder o ddirgelion,
  Maith, goruchel iawn eu rhyw,
A ddyfeisiwyd cyn bod amser,
  Gan ddoethineb bur fy Nuw.

Yma mae perffeithiau'r Duwdod
  Oll yn cael eu cyfiawn le;
Ei gyfiawnder a'i wirionedd,
  A'i sancteiddrwydd perffaith E;
Y mae cariad a thrugaredd,
  A doethineb, wnaeth y plan,
Yn cael hyfryd ymgusanu
  Yn achubiaeth f'enaid gwan.

Fyth i'r Tad y b'o'r gogoniant,
  'Ro'i a derbyn y fath rodd;
Fyth i'r Mab y b'o'r un moliant,
  Am dd'od yma 'i lawr o'i fodd;
Fyth i'r Ysbryd bo'r anrhydedd,
  Am ddatguddio'r ddyfais ddrud;
Drefnwyd gan ddoethineb ddwyfol
  Cyn sylfaenu
      bryniau'r byd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
    Dismission (W F Wade c.1711-86)
    Moriah (alaw Gymreig)

    Rhan II - O ddyfnderoedd O ddoethineb
    Dyma gariad fel a moroedd
    Eiddof fi yw fy Anwylyd
    Iesu ei hunan yw fy mywyd

(The way of salvation)
There is no angel, there is no seraph,
  In the great heavens to be found,
Which could find out means
  For my soul to get salvation;
There is here a depth of secrets,
  Of a kind of a very supreme extent,
Which was devised before time was,
  By the pure wisdom of my God.

The attributes of the Godhead
  Here are getting their rightful place -
Its righteousness and its truth,
  And its perfect holiness;
There is love, and mercy,
  And wisdom, here together,
Getting delightfully delighted in
  In the salvation of my dear soul.

My own is my beloved,
  Who made a valuable, free covenant:
Not with the world's pearls
    was it established,
  But with divine, heavenly blood;
Eternal strength and commitment,
  The whole great wisdom of heaven,
To get to see the least iota
  Of this covenant fulfilled.

My conscience which was in turmoil,
  And fearing very greatly,
Today is beginning to quieten,
  Seeing the Surety paying fully;
The payment of all the demands of Godhead,
  And which is of immeasurable esteem,
The payment of all the demands of law,
  A payment very sure for me.

Oh what depths of wisdom!
  Oh what vast depths of grace!
Oh what unsearchable depths!
  Eternally above being searched out:
The seraphim of heaven are looking,
  With surprise every one,
On the depths of divine love!
  God dying for man!

Forever to the Father be the glory,
  Give and receive the kind given;
Forever to the Son be the same praise,
  For descending here of his own free will!
Forever to the  Spirit be the honour,
  For revealing the free scheme;
And for sealing and imparting the earnest
  That there is an Advocate with my Father!
the attributes of the Godhead ::        
        the great perfections of the Godhead

Here :: There

- - - - -
(The wisdom of God)
There is no angel, there is no seraph,
  In the bright heavens at all,
Who can search out the means,
  To deliver guilty man;
There is here the depth of secrets,
  Vast, very superior their kind,
Which were devised before time was,
  By the pure wisdom of my God.

Here are the perfections of the Godhead
  All getting their rightful place;
His righteousness and his truth,
  And His perfect holiness;
Love and mercy,
  And wisdom, which made the plan, are
Getting delightful to kiss each other
  In the salvation of my weak soul.

Forever to the Father be the glory,
  To give and receive such a gift;
Forever to the Son be the same praise,
  For coming down here of his own will;
Forever to the Spirit be the honour,
  For disclosing the costly scheme;
Which was arranged by divine wisdom
  Before the founding
      of the world's mountains.
tr. 2013,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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