Nid oes arnaf faich yn gorphwys

1,2,3,5,6;  1,2,4,5.
(Erfyniad am fwynhad o Dduw i symmud ofn angeu)
Nid oes arnaf faich yn gorphwys,
  Dim ond eisiau dy fwynhau;
Nid oes arall dan y nefoedd,
  A all yn hollol fy iachau;
    Rho dy gwm'ni, etc.
  Cyn im' fyn i'r cefn-for glas.

Tynn yr ofnau hen o farw,
  Sydd yn llechu tan fy mron;
Rho im' heddwch a gorfoledd,
  Tra b'wyf ar y ddaear hon;
    Na therfysged, &c.
  F'enaid gwan y'ngrym y dw'r.

Mi dde's yma i'r anialwch,
  Byd o newyn, byd o wae;
Heb un achos, heb un neges,
  Ond yn onig' dy fwynhau;
    Hyn ei hunan, &c.
  Fydd fy nghais tra byddwyf byw.

Nid wy'n caru fy mhechodau,
  Poenau ydynt oll i gyd,
Hwnw sy'n fy mhoeni fwyaf
  Ag sy'n ceisio myn'd â 'mryd:
    Tor hwy'n fuan,
  Dyna finnau wrth fy modd.

Dyma'n gwbl fy neisyfiad,
  I mi gael bod yn dy gôl,
Er na theithiais etto nemmawr,
  Na'd fi dynnu hynny'n ol,
    Gwna im' gadw, &c.
  'Ngolwg tu a'r hyfryd wlad.

Mi gâf yn y wlad 'rw'yn myned,
  Ddiengu'n lân oddiar fy mhoen,
Gorphwys byth tu draw i ofid,
  Gyd â'r addfwyn anwyl Oen,
    Ni ddaw tristwch, &c.
  Byth i mewn dros furiau'r nef.
a gorfoledd :: rho gorfoledd
y'ngrym :: yn ngrym

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787447]:
Hyder (Richard Ellis 1775-1855)
Ongar (<1869)
St Peter (alaw Eglwysig)

  Dysgwyl ('r)()wyf ar hyd yr hir(-)nos
  Mi feddyliais yn y bore

(Prayer for the enjoyment of God to remove the fear of death)
There is not on me a burden lying,
  Except wanting to enjoy thee;
There is no-one else under heaven,
  Who can completely heal me;
    Grant thy company,
  Before I go to the blue-green ocean.

Take away the old fear of dying,
  Which is lurking under my breast;
Grant me peace and joy,
  While ever I am on this earth;
    Do not let my weak soul be
  In a tumult in the force of the water.

I came here to the desert,
  A world of hunger, a world of woe;
Without any cause, without any message,
  But only to enjoy thee;
    This itself
  Shall be my quest while ever I live.

I do not love my sins,
  They are all pains altogether,
This is paining me most
  And is causing me to take my affection:
    Break them soon,
  Then I shall be delighted.

This is the whole of my supplication,
  For me to get to be in thy bosom,
Although I have not travelled yet at all,
  Do not let me draw back from this,
    Make me keep
  My gaze towards the delightful land.

I may get, in the land where I am going,
  To escape cleanly from my pain,
To rest forever beyond worry,
  Together with the dear, gentle Lamb,
    No sadness shall come
  Ever in over the walls of heaven.
and joy :: grant joy

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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