Nid oes draw gyferbyn imi Ddim ond tragwyddoldeb mawr, Minnau'n morio tuag yno, Nes-nes ato bob yr awr: Ffàrwel bellach, Bob gwrthrychau îs y rhôd. Yno mae fy holl drysorau, A fy nhlysau gwych eu rhyw; Yno mae f'addfwynaf Iesu, Yno yn unig mae fy Nuw: O ardaloedd! Yno mi gâf finnau dd'od. Mae llawenydd yn fy nghalon, Er bod ofnau yn fy nghnawd, Cwrdd â Barnwr byw a meirw, Iesu 'Mhrynwr, Iesu 'Mrawd: Mae'n ardderchog; Eto anwyl yw i mi. Mae y cariad sy'n fy nghalon, Mae y fflam sydd dàn fy mron, Yn concwerio mil o ofnau, Ofnau'r farn y funyd hon: Trwy bob dychryn, Iesu, Iesu yw fy rhan.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [878747]: gwelir: Fe roed i mi ddymuniadau Fe roed imi ddymuniadau Fe rowd imi ddymuniadau |
There is nothing yonder facing me But a great eternity, I sailing towards there, Nearer and nearer to it every hour: Farewell henceforth, Every object under the sky. There are all my treasures, And my trinkets of a brilliant sort; There is my dearest Jesus, There alone is my God: O regions! There I myself shall get to come. There is joy in my heart, Although fears are in my flesh, Of meeting the Judge of the living and the dead, Jesus my Redeemer, Jesus my Brother: He is excellent; Yet dear he is to me. The love is in my heart, The flame is under my breast, Conquering a thousand fears, Fears of the judgment this minute: Through every horror, Jesus, Jesus is my 2019 Richard B Gillion |