Nid rhyfedd oedd it' haulwen

("A'r haul a dywyllwyd," &c. Luc xxiii. 45.)
Nid rhyfedd oedd it', haulwen,
  Dywyllu'n entrych nen
Pan oedd yr Iesu addfwyn
  Yn goddef ar y pren, -
Yr un reolai 'r gwyntoedd
  Wrth ganfod dan ei gur, -
Tywysog mawr tangnefedd
  Yn profi 'r bustyl sur.

Ymguddiaist gan oer g'wilydd
  O weled digllawn lu
Yn gwawdio 'n Harglwydd tirion
  I bawb mor hawddgar fu, -
Yr un a wylai 'r dagrau
  Yn dyner dros ei wlad,
Yn colli gwaed ei galon
  Mewn dirmyg a sarhâd.

Ti, haulwen ar dy yrfa,
  Yn fynych gwelaist ef
Yn gwella briwiau 'r cleifion,
  Yn fwyn, trwy wlad a thref, -
A llen o ddu dywyllwch
  A deflaist dros y gwaith
O'i ladd yn waradwyddus
  Gan blant y cabledd maith.
Daniel Evans (Daniel Ddu o Geredigion) 1792-1846
Gwinllan y Bardd 1831

[Mesur: 7676D]

("And the sun was darkened," etc. Luke 23:45)
No wonder was it to thee, sunshine,
  Darkening the vault of the sky
When the dear Jesus was
  Suffering on the tree, -
The one who ruled the winds
  On finding him under his stroke, -
The great Prince of peace
  Experiencing the bitter gall.

Thou didst hide with cold shame
  From seeing a wrathful host
Scorning our tender Lord
  Who was so amiable to all, -
The one who wept the tears
  Tenderly over his country,
Shedding the blood of his heart
  In mockery and insult.

Thou, sunshine on thy course,
  Often saw him
Healing the wounds of the sick,
  Gently, through country and town, -
And a curtain of black darkness
  Thou hast flung over the work
Of his shameful killing
  By the children of the great blasphemy.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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