Nid yw'r holl gre'digaeth helaeth

(Hollalluogrwydd ac Awdurdod Duw)
Nid yw'r holl gre'digaeth helaeth,
  Daear, awyr, dŵr, a môr,
Gyda'u llwythau maith diderfyn,
  'Nghyda'u hannherfynol stôr,
Ond dy weision gyda'u gilydd -
  Fel y mynost, felly gwnân',
A hwy dro'nt er pob gwrth'nebrwydd,
  I fyn'd a'th enw yn y blaen.

Ti wnai'r hyn fo'n wenwyn perffaith,
  Rai amserau i wella clwy';
Ti wnai'r feddyginiaeth oreu,
  Rai amserau i glwyfo mwy:
Ti wnai haf,
    a pharch a gwynfyd,
  Losgi'r llysiau gan y gwres;
Ti wnai rew
    a chystudd diried,
  Fyn'd a mi i'r nef yn nês.

Tân dry'n dŵr,
    a dŵr dry'n wenfflam,
  Os d'ewyllys iddo bair;
Gwnai i'r morfil mawr esgyrnog,
  I lesmeirio wrth dy air:
Beth yw mhechod it' ond gwyfyn,
  Er ei rûad, er ei rym?
Gwna fe gwymp ond ar dy amnaid -
  Ni raid iti ddywedyd dim.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 8787D]

(The Omnipotence and Authority of God)
Nought is the whole extesive creation,
  Earth, air, water, and sea,
With their vast, endless tribes,
  Together with their infinite store,
But thy servants altogether -
  AS thou willest, thus they do,
And they will turn, despite all opposition,
  To take thy name forward.

Thou woudst make what would be perfect poison,
  Sometimes to heal a wound;
Thou woudst make the best medicine,
  Sometimes to injure more:
Thou woudst make summer,
    and honour and blessedness,
  Burn the vegetation by the heat;
Thou woudst make ice
    and the affliction of misfortune,
  Take me nearer to heaven.

Fire turns to water,
    and water turns to conflagration,
  If thy will should cause it to;
Thou wouldst make the great bony whale,
  To faint by thy word:
What is my sin to thee but a worm,
  Despite its roar, despite its force?
Make it fall but on thy gesture -
  There is no need for thee to say anything.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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