Nid yw hardd/heirdd wrthrychau daear

(Y Gwrthrych Gorau)
Nid yw heirdd wrthrychau daear
Oll ond dim wrth Iesu hawddgar:
  Ni bai'r nefoedd chwaith i'w phrisio,
  Pe bai'r nefoedd i'w chael hebddo.

Iesu ei Hunan yw fy nefoedd
Yn y byd ac yn oes oesoedd;
  Nef y nefoedd
      fydd ei garu,
  Ei fwynhau, a'i wir foliannu.

O! na allwn garu'r Iesu
Yn fwy ffyddlon, a'i wasnaethu:
  Dweud yn dda mewn gair amdano,
  Rhoi fy hun yn gwbwl iddo.
heirdd :: hardd

1-2: Thomas Jones 1756-1820
3 : Richard Thomas, Merthyr.

Tonau [8888]:
Anhalt (<1875)
Antwerp (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
Avignon (<1875)
Erin (W Jenkins)
Llantrisant (alaw Gymreig)

gwelir: O na allwn garu'r Iesu

(The Best Object)
Not all the world's beautiful objects
Are anything compared with handsome Jesus:
  Nor could heaven either value him,
  If a heaven could be got without him.

Jesus Himself is my heaven
In the world and in the age of ages;
  The heaven of heaven
      it shall be to love him,
  To enjoy him and truly to praise him.

O that I could love Jesus
  More faithfully, and serve;
Speak well in a word about him,
  To give myself in total to him.
tr. 2007,17 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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