Nid yw hyfrydwch cnawd a byd

(Edrych ar Iesu)
Nid yw hyfrydwch cnawd a byd
Ond pethau gweigion oll i gyd;
  Wrth chwilio gair yr Arglwydd cawn
  Hyfrydwch gwell o lawer iawn.

Mae rhyfeddodau rîf y dail
Yn mherson hynod Adda'r ail;
  Difyrwch penaf nef y nef
  Yw edrych ar ei degwch Ef.

Y mae yn angau Iesu Grist
Ryddhad i'r enaid euog trist;
  Mae ei gyfiawnder perffaith Ef
  Y wisg enwocaf yn y nef.

Na foed i ddim mo ddwyn ein bryd
Oddiwrth Iachawdwr mawr y byd;
  Ein neges benaf dan y nef
  Fo 'mofyn am ei nabod Ef.
John Hughes 1775-1854

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Angel's Hymn (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Emyn Luther (Gesangbuch Klug 1535)
New Sabbath (Issac Smith 1734-1805)
Sarum (<1869)
Winchester (B Crasselius)
Yr Hen 100 (Psalmydd Genefa)

gwelir: Dyma gyfarfod hyfryd iawn

(Looking at Jesus)
The beauty of flesh and world are
Only empty things altogether;
  Searching the word of the Lord we get
  Beauty very much better.

There are wonders numerous as the leaves,
In the remarkable person of the second Adam;
  The chief enjoyment of the heaven of heaven
  Is to look upon His fairness.

There is in the death of Jesus Christ
Freedom for the guilty, sad soul;
  His perfect righteousness is
  The most famous clothing in heaven.

Do not let anything take our attention
Away from the great Saviour of the world;
  Our chief errand under heaven
  Be to seek to know Him.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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