Nid yw'r blinderau yma fu, Neu y blinderau ddaw, Ddim i'w cymmharu â gwobr gras Gaf feddu maes o law. Edrychaf ar y gwynfyd drud, Pleserau'r byd a ddaw, Ac mi ddibrisia'r cystudd fu, A'r cystudd sy ger llaw. Ni phery'r byd, a'i rwysg, a'i rod, A'i ofid o bob rhyw, Ond megys munyd, at y wledd, Tragwŷddol hedd fy Nuw. Difyru wnaf fy oes yn llwyr Mewn myfyrdodau maith Ar bur bleserau Seion wen, Sy draw yn mhen fy nhaith. A phe bai'n gorwedd yn y bedd Gyfeillion goreu'r llawr, Nid wyf amddifad tra fo byw Fy unig Arglwydd mawr. Mae ef ei hun yn llawer mwy Na'r cwbl yma'n un; 'Rwyf yn gyfoethog uwch pob rhif Heb ddim ond ef ei hun.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [MC 8686]: gwelir: Difyru wnaf fy oes yn llwyr |
Neither the griefs that were here, Nor the griefs to come, Compare at all with the prize of grace I shall get to possess soon. I look upon the precious blessedness, The pleasures of the world to come, And I scorn the affliction that was, And the affliction that is at hand. The world shall not endure, with its ostentation, and its course, And its grief of every kind, But like a minute, compared to the feast, The eternal peace of my God. I shall enjoy spending my whole life In extensive meditations On the pure pleasures of bright Zion, Which is yonder at my journey's end. And if I were lying in the grave Of the best friends of earth, I would have no defence while ever My only great Lord lives. He himself is much greater Than all that is here altogether; I am rich above all counting With nothing but him 2019 Richard B Gillion |