Nid yw y goron heb y groes, Na'r melys heb y chwerw loes; Pwy byna'n dduwiol fo is nen, Fe dyn elynion am ei ben. Ond gwell yw dioddef gyda'r Oen, Na dioddef byth dragwyddol boen, Am ddewis byw mewn pechod trist A gwrthod derbyn Iesu Grist. Cyfrifodd Moses yn fwy braint, Gael dioddef adfyd gyda'r saint, Na bod mewn pechod yma'n byw, Ymhlith y rhai nid ofnant Dduw. Am hyn ieuenctyd, fawr a mân, O Sodom aethlyd ffowch yn lân; Yn awr, ym mlodau'ch dyddiau rhowch, Eich hun i'r Arglwydd, nac arhowch. Ymlaen, ymlaen, i'r creigydd byw, I Soar fry, lle mae eich Duw, I ganu Haleliwia i'r Oen, A'ch cadwodd rhag tragwyddol boen. Os plant a ddaw i garu'r Oen, Fu ar Galfaria'n dioddef poen, Babanod bach, os hoffant Ef, Gant ŵg y byd, ond gwên y nef.John Thomas 1730-1804? [Mesur: MH 8888] |
There is no crown without the cross, Nor the sweet without the bitter anguish; Whoever would be godly under the sky, Shall draw enemies upon his head. But better is suffering with the Lamb, Than suffering forever eternal pain, For choosing to live in sad sin And refusing to accept Jesus Christ. Moses counted it a greater privilege, To get to suffer adversity with the saints, Than to be living here in sin, Amongst those who do not fear God. Therefore, youngsters, great and small, From Sodom fearfully flee utterly; Now, in the flowers of your days, give Yourselves to the Lord, and do not delay. Forward, forward, to the living rocks, To the Soar above, where your God is, To sing Hallelujah to the Lamb, Who has kept you from eternal pain. If children shall come to love the Lamb, Who was on Calvary suffering pain, Little infants, if they are fond of Him, Shall get the frown of the world, but the smile of 2017 Richard B Gillion |