Nis rhoddwn fyny'r Beibl

Nis rhoddwn fyny'r Beibl,
  Gwir nerth yr Ysgol Sul;
Arweinia ni at ben y ffordd,
  Sy'n hyfryd, er yn gul.
O Arglwydd, llwydda'th Air,
  Doed daear fel y nen;
O fôr hyd fôr,
    drwy eitha'r byd,
  Y Beibl fyddo'n ben,
O fôr hyd fôr,
    drwy eitha'r byd,
  Y Beibl fyddo'n ben.

Nis rhoddwn fyny'r Beibl - 
  Gwirionedd dilyth yw;
Tywysa'r hen a'r ieuainc rai
  I lwybrau uniawn Duw.
Lamp sy'n rhoi goleu yw
  Ar bob rhyw ran o'r oes;
Ac yn ei lewyrch rhodia myrdd
  I weled gwerth y groes,
Ac yn ei lewyrch rhodia myrdd
  I weled gwerth y groes.

Nis rhoddwn fyny'r Beibl -
  Y llyfyr goreu yw,
A'r unig un eill ddangos gwlad
  Lle mae tragwyddol fyw.
O! dysgwn hwn i gyd,
  Gwrandawn ar lais y Nef;
Ac mewn ieuenctyd talwn barch
  I'w gwyn orchmynion ef,
Ac mewn ieuenctyd talwn barch
  I'w gwyn orchmynion ef.
John Jones (Ioan Emlyn) 1818-73

Tôn [MBD+ 6686D+86]: Ni rhoddwn fyny'r Beibl
    (William Aubrey Williams [Gwilym Gwent] 1834-91)

Let us not give up the Bible,
  The true strength of the Sunday School;
Lead thou us to the end of the road,
  Which is lovely, though narrow.
O Lord, prosper thy Word,
  Let earth become as heaven;
From sea as far as sea,
    through the extremity of the world,
  The Bible shall be chief,
From sea as far as sea,
    through the extremity of the world,
  The Bible shall be chief.

Let us not give up the Bible -
  The unfailing truth it is;
Lead thou the old and the young ones
  To the straight paths of God.
A lamp which gives light it is
  On every kind of part of the age;
And in its gleam will wander a myriad
  To see the worth of the cross,
And in its gleam will wander a myriad
  To see the worth of the cross.

Let us not give up the Bible -
  The best book it is,
And the only one which can show a land
  Where there is a living eternity.
Oh let us all learn this!
  Let us listen to the voice of Heaven;
And in youth let us pay respect
  To its blessed commandments,
And in youth let us pay respect
  To its blessed commandments.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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