Nis gall dysgedigion doethaf, Er cyrhaeddyd fry i'r ne', Chwilio troion sêr y wybr, Gwel'd eu maint, a gwel'd eu lle, Fyth i bwyso Gwerthfawrogrwydd gwaed Dy groes. Nis gall dysg, ac nis gall doniau, Wel'd y pechod drwg ei ryw, Bwyso'i haeddiant maith, a'i fesur, O flaen gorsedd bur fy Nuw; Ar Galfaria Gwelaf e'n ei liw a'i lun. Pechod yma, cariad acw, Fu yno yn y glorian fawr; Ac er trymed oedd y pechod, Cariad bwysodd hyd y llawr: 'Gair "Gorphenwyd," Wnaeth i'r glorian bwysig droi. Haeddiant Duwdod, o'i gymharu 'N erbyn uffern fawr o'r bron! Dafn gwaed sy'n ganmil rhagor Nag aflendid dudew hon; Gw'radwyddiadau Duw, rydd Iawn am feiau'r byd. Fe ddystawa'r holl ellyllon, Fe ddystawa'r ddeddf o'r bron, Fe ddistewa pur gyfiawnder Sy'n ymddial cweryl hon, Gyntaf enwir Sillaf prin am waed y groes.William Williams 1717-91
Tôn [878747]: gwelir Ffordd nid oes o waredigaeth Pechod yma cariad acw |
The wisest students cannot, Despite reaching up to heaven, Searching the turnings of the stars of the sky, Seeing their size, and seeing their place, Ever weigh The value of the blood of Thy cross. Learning cannot, and talents cannot, See the sin of an evil kind, Weigh its vast deserts, and its measure, Before the pure throne of my God; On Calvary I see it in its colour and its form. Sin here, love yonder, Were there in the great scales; And despite how heavy was the sin, Love weighed down to the ground: The Word "It is finished," Made the heavy scales turn. The merit of Godhead, in comparison To great hell completely! A drop of blood is a hundred thousand times superior To this pitch-black uncleanness; The shames Of God, give Satisfaction for the sins of the world. It stills all the demons, It stills the law completely, It stills the pure righteousness Which is prosecuting this case, Does the fist syllable Scarcely uttered about the blood of the 2016 Richard B Gillion |