O! Arglwydd, clyw fy llef, 'R wy'n addef wrth dy draed Im fynych wrthod Iesu cu, Dirmygu gwerth ei waed. Ond gobaith f'enaid gwan, Wrth nesu dan fy mhwn, Yw haeddiant mawr yr aberth drud: Fy mywyd sydd yn hwn. A thrwy ei angau drud Gall pawb o'r byd gael byw: Am hyn anturiaf at ei draed - Fy annwyl Geidwad yw. Ni wrthyd neb a ddaw, Ei air sydd yn ddi-lyth: Er symud o'r mynyddoedd draw, Saif ei gyfamod byth.cyf. John Bryan 1776-1856
Tonau [MB 6686]: |
O Lord, hear my cry, I confess at thy feet To my frequent rejection of dear Jesus, Despising the value of his blood. But the hope of my weak soul, To draw near under my load, Is the great merit of the costly sacrifice: My life is in this. And through his costly death May everyone of the world get to live: On this I will venture to his feet - My dear Saviour he is. None is rejected who comes, His word is unfailing: Despite movement from yonder mountains, His covenant stands forever.tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion |
O my offended God, If now at last I see That I have trampled on thy blood, And done despite to thee, If I begin to wake Out of my deadly sleep, Into thy arms of mercy take, And there for ever keep. No other right have I Than what the world may claim; All, all may to their God draw nigh Through faith in Jesu's name; Thou all the debt hast paid; This is my only plea, The covenant God in thee hath made, With all mankind and me. Thy death hath bought the power For every sinful soul, That all may know their gracious hour, And be by faith made whole: Thou hast for sinners died, That all might come to God; The covenant thou hast ratified, And sealed it with thy blood. Thou hast obtained the grace That all may turn and live; And lo! thy offer I embrace, Thy mercy I receive: Whene'er the wicked man Turns from his sin to thee, His late repentance is not vain, He shall accepted be. He that believes in thee, And doth till death endure, He shall be saved eternally; The covenant is sure: The mountains shall give place, Thy covenant cannot move, The covenant of thy general grace, Thy all-redeeming love.Charles Wesley 1707-88
Tune [DSM 6686D]: Leominster |