O aed yn awr fy nghwyn i'r nef
O aed yn awr i'r nef fy nghwyn

1,2,3;  1,2,4.
(Sail gweddi'r ffydd)
O aed yn awr i'r nef fy nghwyn
  Yn enw'r addfwyn Oen;
At Dduw a ddichon drugarhau,
  Er maint fy ngwae a'm poen.

O flaen y drugareddfa fawr
  Boed hysbys 'nawr fy nghri;
Fy enaid gwel, ceir hedd i'r gwan
  Drwy angeu Calfari.

Ni chais yr enaid cywir byth
  Ond gair dilyth ei Dduw;
A dyna'r oll, mewn ofnau prudd
  Sydd gan ei ffydd i fyw.

O! am gael ffoi a llechu byth
  Yn nghysgod Iesu glân;
Ac yn ei haeddiant boed fy nŷth,
  Nes myn'd i'r nef yn lân.
i'r nef fy nghwyn :: fy nghwyn i'r nef
Boed hysbys 'nawr :: Yn hysbys boed
ceir hedd :: ceir nerth

1-3: Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841
4 : Ail Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau 1879

Tôn [MC 8686]: Gwrecsam (alaw Gymreig)

(The basis of the prayer of faith)
O may now my complaint go to heaven
  In the name of the gentle Lamb;
To God who sufficiently has mercy,
  Despite my woe and my pain.

Before the great mercy seat
  Be published now my cry;
My soul, see, peace is to be got for the weak
  Through the death of Calvary.

The true soul will never seek anything
  But the unfailing word of his God;
And that is all, in sad fears
  Which his faith has to live.

O to get to flee and hide forever
  In the shadow of holy Jesus;
And in his merit may my nest be,
  Until going to heaven wholly.
Be published now :: Published be
peace is to be got :: strength is to be got

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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