O am Fywyd o Sancteiddio

O! am fywyd o sancteiddio
  Sanctaidd enw pur fy Nuw,
Ac ymostwng i'w ewyllys
  A'i lywodraeth tra fwy' byw;
Byw gan addunedu a thalu,
  Dan ymnerthu
    yn y gras
Sydd yng Nghrist yn drysoredig,
  I orchfygu ar y maes.

O! na chawn i dreulio 'nyddiau
  Yn fywyd o ddyrchafu ei waed;
Llechu'n dawel dan ei gysgod,
  Byw a marw wrth ei draed;
Cario'r groes,
    a phara i'w chodi,
  Am mai croes fy Mhriod yw,
ymddifyrru yn ei Berson,
  A'i addoli byth yn Dduw.

Dyma Frawd a anwyd inni
  Erbyn c'ledi a phob clwy';
Ffyddlon ydyw, llawn tosturi,
  Haeddai gael ei foli'n fwy:
Rhyddhawr caethion, Meddyg cleifion,
  Ffordd i Seion union yw;
Ffynnon loyw, bywyd meirw,
  Arch i gadw dyn yw Duw.
Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tonau [8787D]:
Edinburgh (1840 Caniadau Seion)
Hyfrydol (R H Prichard 1811-87)
Llangan (alaw Gymraeg)
Prysgol (William Owen 1813-1893)

  Dyma babell y cyfarfod
  Dyma Frawd a anwyd inni
  Ni ddichon byd a'i holl deganau
  Teilwng teilwng i'w addoli

O for a life of sanctifying
  The holy pure name of my God,
And submitting to his will
  And his governance as long as I live;
To live by vowing and paying,
  By becoming strong
    in his grace
Which is garnered in Christ,
  To overcome on the field.

O that I may spend my days
  In a life of exalting his blood;
Hiding quietly under his shade,
  Living and dying by his feet;
Carrying the cross,
    and continuing to raise it,
  For it is the cross of my Husband,
Delighting in his Person,
  And adoring him forever in God.

Here is a Brother who was born to us
  Against hardship and every ailment;
Faithful is he, full of mercy
  Worthy of being praised more:
Freer of captives, Physician of the sick,
  A direct way to Zion he is;
A bright spring, life of the dead,
  An ark to save man is God.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion
O, to live a life which hallows
  God's unsullied, holy name,
All my will to his subjected
  And his service as my aim.
May the vows I made be honoured
  Through the power
    that flows from grace
Which, as Christ's especial treasure,
  Gives the strength to run the race.

Let my days be spent in raising
  His great sacrifice complete,
Sheltering beneath his shadow,
  Living, dying, at his feet.
May I raise the cross,
    and bear it,
  For that cross my Saviour bore,
Find refreshment in his Person
  And as God my Lord adore.

Born as man to be our Brother,
  He will guard from every ill,
Faithful, true, and full of pity,
  Let his praise swell louder still!
He, the road which lead to Zion,
  Heals the sick, and frees the slave,
Spring of life, the dead restoring,
  Christ the Ark, mankind to save.
tr. M J H Ellis
used by kind permision of the author

Tune [8787D]: Prysgol (William Owen 1813-1893)

also: Lo, to us is born a Brother
  tr. H A Hodges 1905-76

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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