O am gael d'od yn nes
O am gael dod yn nes

(Mynwes Iesu)
O! am gael d'od yn nes
  I fynwes Iesu glān!
Bydd yn ei glwyfau loches glyd
  Pan 'r elo'r byd yn dān.

Pwy ddeil fy mhen i'r lan
  Pan gryno'r ddaear gref?
O Arglwydd! cuddia f'enaid gwan
  O fewn ei fynwes Ef.
David Davies 1763-1816

Tonau: [MB 6686]:
Aylesbury (Maurice Greene 1696-1755)
Dole (John T Rees 1857-1949)
St Bride (S Howard 1710-82)
Shawmut (L Mason 1792-1872)
William Evans (E Stephen [Tanymarian] 1822-85)

(The Breast of Jesus)
Oh to get to come near
  To the breast of holy Jesus!
There will be in his wounds a cosy refuge
  When the world goes to be fire.

Who will hold my head up
  When the strong earth shakes?
O Lord, hide my weak soul
  Within His breast!
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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