O am gael ffydd i edrych

1,2,(3,4);  1,4.
O! am gael ffydd i edrych
  Gyda'r angylion fry
I drefn yr iechydwriaeth,
  Dirgelwch ynddi sy;
Dwy natur mewn un Person
  Yn anwahanol mwy,
Mewn purdeb heb gymysgu,
  Yn berffaith hollol trwy.

O! f'enaid, gwêl addasrwydd
  Y Person dwyfol hwn,
Mentra arno'th fywyd
  A bwrw arno'th bwn;
Mae'n ddyn i gydymdeimlo
  Â'th holl wendidau i gyd,
Mae'n Dduw i gario'r orsedd
  Ar ddiafol, cnawd, a byd.

Rhyw hiraeth sy am ymadael
  Bob dydd â'r gwaedlyd faes,
Nid â'r arch, nac Israel,
  Ond hunanymchwydd cas;
Cael dod at fwrdd y Brenin,
  A'm gwadd i eiste'n uwch,
A minnau, wan ac eiddil,
  Am garu yn y llwch.

Er cryfed ydyw'r stormydd
  Ac ymchwydd tonnau'r môr,
Doethineb ydyw'r peilat,
  A'i enw'n gadarn Iôr;
Er gwaethaf dilyw pechod
  A llygredd o bob rhyw,
Dihangol yn y diwedd
  Am fod yr arch yn Dduw.
Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tonau [7676D]:
Lorraine (J S Bach 1685-1750)
Meirionnydd (William Lloyd 1786-1852)
Missionary (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
  Nebo (addas. o Gas. Ieuan Gwyllt 1859)
Prospect (anad.)
Rutherford (Chrétien Urhan 1790-1845)
Rhyddid (alaw Gymreig)
Syria (John Roberts 1822-77)
Talyllyn (alaw Gymreig)

  O Arglwydd Dduw rhagluniaeth
  Rhyfeddol byth rhyfeddol
  Teilwng yw'r Oen a laddwyd

O to have faith to see
  With the angels above
To set forth the salvation,
  The mystery which is in it;
Two natures in one Person
  Indivisible evermore,
In purity without mixing,
  Perfectly whole throughout.

O my soul, see how fitting
  Is this divine Person,
Venture upon him thy life
  And cast upon him thy load;
He is as man to sympathise
  With all thy weakness altogether,
He is as God to rule over
  Over devil, flesh and world.

There is some longing to leave
  Every day the bloody field,
Not the ark, nor Israel,
  But hateful pride;
To come to the King's table,
  And be invited to sit higher,
And I, weak and feeble,
  Only wanting to love in the dust.

Though the storms are so strong
  And the sea's waves billow,
Wisdom is the pilot,
  And his name the strong Master;
In spite of the deluge of sin
  And corruption of every kind,
Safe in the end
  Because the ark is God.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion
O might I gain faith's insight,
With angel-minds on high,
tr. H A Hodges 1905-76

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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