O anfeidrol berffaith gariad

(Gariad Duw)
O anfeidrol berffaith gariad,
  Cariad na all dawn na gras;
Saint, seraphiaid, nac angylion,
  Byth ei osod oll i ma's;
Cariad fydd yn sylfaen gadarn
  I bob anthem yn y nef;
"Iddo ef yr hwn a'n carodd,
  Ac a'n golchodd," fydd eu llef.

Ni fydd oesoedd trag'wyddoldeb
  Ddim yn ormod er eu hyd;
I ddatguddio hen ddyfnderoedd
  Cariad Iesu Grist i gyd;
Holl rinweddau maith ei glwyfau,
  A helaethrwydd mawr ei boen;
Wnant i oesau fyned heibio
  Heb byth flino'n ngwmni'r Oen.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 8787D]

Fe ro'w'd arno bwys euogrwydd
O ddyfnderoedd O ddoethineb

(The Love of God)
O immeasurable, perfect love,
  Love that all the talent or grace
Of saints, seraphim, or angels,
  Never can set it all forth;
Love shall be a firm foundation
  For every anthem in heaven;
"Unto him who loved us,
  And washed us," shall be their cry.

The ages of eternity shall not
  Be too much, despite their length;
To reveal the old depths
  Of all the love of Jesus Christ;
All the vast merits of his wounds,
  And the great generosity of his pain;
Ages are to go past without their
  Ever wearying of the Lamb's company.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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