O anfeidrol gariad rhad

Depth of mercy can there be?

(O ba le mae hyn i mi?)
O anfeidrol gariad rhad!
O rinweddau mawr y gwaed!
  Arbed un mor ddû ei liw;
  O amynedd mawr fy Nuw!

Digiais ef trwy mhechod câs,
Gwrthwynebais air ei ras;
  Gwrthod wneis ei alwad ef,
  Pechu'n fawr yn ngŵydd y Nef.

Mi ' trywanais ar y groes,
Achos fûm o'i angau loes!
  Eto Duw'm hachubodd i,
  Er im' haeddu uffern ddû!

O ba le mae hyn i mi?
'Rachos sydd yn Iesu cu:
  'Fe sy'n pledio'i
      werthfawr waed,
  'Fe sy'n eiriol
      gyda'r Tad.

Sefyll yn y nef mae'n awr,
Dangos mae ei glwyfau mawr:
  Iesu, Mhriod hynod yw:
  Cariad, cariad ydyw Duw!
cyf. John Bryan 1776-1856
Diferion y Cyssegr 1809

Tôn [7777]: Hernlein (Martin Herbst 1654-81)

(From whence is such to me?)
O immeasurable gracious love!
O the great merits of the blood!
  Saving one so black his colour;
  O the great patience of my God!

I angered him through my detestable sin,
I withstood the word of his grace;
  I refused his call,
  Sinning greatly in the Master's face.

I pierced him on the cross,
I was the cause of his throes of death!
  Still my God saved me,
  Although I deserve black hell!

From whence is such to me?
The cause there is in dear Jesus:
  'Tis he who is pleading his
      precious blood,
  'Tis he who is interceding
      with the Father.

Standing in heaven he is now,
Showing he is his great wounds:
  Jesus, my remarkable Spouse he is:
  God is love, love!
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
("Thy mercy is great above the heavens")
Depth of mercy! can there be
Mercy still reserved for me?
  Can my God His wrath forbear?
  Me, the chief of sinners, spare?

I have long withstood His grace:
Long provoked Him to His face;
  Would not hearken to His calls;
  Grieved Him by a thousand falls.

I my Master have denied,
I afresh have crucified,
  Oft profaned His hallowed name,
  Put Him to an open shame.

Jesus speaks, and pleads His blood!
He disarms the wrath of God;
  Now my Father's
      mercies move,
  Justice lingers
      into love.

There for me the Saviour stands,
Shows His wounds and spreads His hands:
  God is love! I know, I feel;
  Jesus weeps, but loves me still!
Charles Wesley 1707-88
Hymns and Sacred Poems 1740

Tune [7777]:
Canterbury / Song 13 (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Seymour (1826 Carl M von Weber 1786-1826)
Vienna (Justin H Knecht 1752-1817)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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