O anghrediniaeth fawr ei rym
O anghrediniaeth fawr ei grym
O anghrediniaeth mawr ei rym

(Ffydd ac Anghrediniaeth)
O anghrediniaeth mawr ei rym,
  Ti roddaist i mi glwy':
Ond yn dy wyneb credu wnaf
  Fod doniau'r nef yn fwy.

Trech yw un gair
    o enau'm Duw,
  Na'r pechod cryfa' erioed;
Pan dd'wed y gair,
    fe gwymp fy mai
  Yn chwilfriw tan fy nhroed.

Tan gredu mi anturia 'mlaen
  Crediniaeth yw fy ngrym;
A than awelon cadarn gred,
  Nid all fy mhechod ddim.

Mi ro'f f'ymddiried ynddo Ef,
  Mae noddfa gref i'r gwan:
Ac er y curo
    sy' arna'i lawr,
  Fe ddeil fy mhen i'r làn.

- - - - -
(Cystaddiau yn llesol)
O anghrediniaeth mawr ei rym,
  Ti roddaist imi glwy'!
Ond yn dy wyneb credu wnaf
  Fod doniau'r nef yn fwy.

Fe'm golchir yn fy nghystudd trwm,
  Fe'm purir yn y tân;
Ac mi ddof allan, pan ddel dydd,
  Gwedi fy nghànu'n lân.

Anffyddlawn imi trodd y byd,
  Anffyddlawn ddynolryw;
Ond mi sy'n rhedeg trwyddynt oll
  I fynwes bur fy Nuw.

A rhwng ei ddwyfron
    gwnaf fy nyth,
  Oddi yno 'drycha'i maes;
Ac y rhof feiddiad i bob peth
  A welodd daear lâs.
mi sy'n rhedeg :: 'rwyf yn rhedeg

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Cologne (alaw Ellmynig)
Gwrecsam (alaw Gymreig)
(Old) Martyrs (Salmydd Ysgotaidd 1635)
St Mary (Salmydd E Prys 1621)
    (Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English [Griffith] 1884)
Warwick (Samuel Stanley/Standley 1767-1822)

gwelir: Nid ofna'i'r byd nid ofna'i'r bedd

(Faith and Unbelief)
O unbelief, great its force,
  Thou gavest to me a wound:
But in thy face believe I shall
  That the gifts of heaven are greater.

Superior is one word
    from the mouth of my God,
  Than the strongest ever sin;
When he speaks the word,
    my fault will fall
  Disintegrated beneath my feet.

Believing I will venture on
  Belief is my force;
And under the winds of strong faith,
  My sin can do nothing.

I will put my trust in Him,
  There is a strong refuge for the weak:
And despite the stroke
    which is down upon me,
  He will hold my head up.

- - - - -
(Afflictions beneficial)
O unbelief, great its force,
  Thou gavest to me a wound!
But in thy face believe I shall
  That the gifts of heaven are greater.

I am to be washed in my heavy affliction,
  I am to be purified in the fire;
And I shall come out, when the day comes,
  After I am bleached clean.

Unfaithful to me turned the world,
  Unfaithful humankind;
But I am running through them all
  To the pure bosom of my God.

And between his breasts
    I will make my nest,
  Away from here I will look out;
And I will give a challenge to every thing
  That sees the blue-green earth.

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

(Faith and Unbelief)
O unbelief, how great the wounds
  Thou to my soul hast given;
Before thy face I will believe
  My strength will come from heaven.

Far greater is one word
    from God
  Than all the show of men;
When He will speak
    my sins will cease,
  And they are all forgiven.

Believing, I will onward press,
  And faith shall be my guide;
And through the channel of his word
  He will all grace provide.

I will put all my trust in Him,
  Strong refuge for the weak;
When storms are beating
    down my soul,
  I shall his comfort seek.

- - - - -
(Afflictions beneficial)
O unbelief, how great the wounds
  Thou to my soul hast given;
Before thy face I will believe
  My strength will come from heaven.

Far greater is one word from God
  Than all the show of men;
When He will speak my sins will cease,
  And they are all forgiven.

Believing, I will onward press,
  And faith shall be my guide;
And through the channel of his word
  He will all grace provide.

I will put all my trust
    in Him,
  Strong refuge for the weak;
When storms are beating down my soul,
  I shall his comfort seek.

tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tune [CM 8686]: Salisbury
    (Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English [Griffith] 1884)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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