O Anghrediniaeth clyw

(Gobaith o fyned trwy bob Rhwstrau i'r Ganaan nefol.)
  O Anghrediniaeth clyw,
    Na flina'm henaid llaith,
  Tragwyddol gariad Duw,
    A'm dwg i ben fy nhaith:
Pam 'r ofnaf lu? mi af ymla'n,
Trwy ddw'r a thân i'r Ganaan fry.

  Er bod gelynion hy'
    Am gongc'ro'm henaid gwan,
  Addawodd Iesu cu
    Y byddai byth o'm rhan;
Pa'm 'r ofnaf lu? &c.

  Er cael fy rhwystro'n hir,
    Trwy ddichell Satan gaeth,
  Feddiannu'r hyfryd dir
    Sy'n llifo o fel a llaeth:
Pa'm 'r ofnaf lu? &c.

  P'le mae'r 'ddewidion rhad,
    A ffyddlon eiriau Duw?
  A seliwyd oll â gwaed
    O galon Iesu gwiw;
Pa'm 'r ofnaf lu? &c.

  Arweiniodd ef fi maes
    O'r dyrus anial dir,
  A ball ef mwy ei ras
    Im dwyn i Seion bur?
Pa'm 'r ofnaf lu? &c.

  Fy ffyddlon nerthol Frawd
    A'm Ffrynd yw'r Iesu cu,
  Fe arwain f'enaid tlawd
    I fryn Caersalem fry:
Pa'm 'r ofnaf lu? &c.

  Caf weld Iorddonen faith
    Yn dal ei dyfroedd du,
  'N rhoi lle i'm henaid llaith
    I'r etifeddiaeth fry:
Pa'm 'r ofnaf lu? &c.
William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

Tonau [666688]:
Clapham (<1811)
Grove (<1811)

(Hope of going through all Obstacles to the heavenly Canaan.)
  O Unbelief, hear!
    Do not grieve my timid soul,
  The eternal love  God,
    Shall lead me to my journey'd end:
Why shall I fear a host? I shall go on,
Through water and fire to the Canaan above.

  Although haughty enemies
    Want to conquer my weak soul,
  Dear Jesus promised
    He would forever be on my side;
Why shall I fear a host? etc.

  Although long getting frustrated,
    Through the captive scheme of Satan,
  Possessing the delightful land
    That is flowing with honey and milk:
Why shall I fear a host? etc.

  Where are the gracious promises,
    And the faithful words of God?
  That are all sealed with blood
    From the heart of worthy Jesus;
Why shall I fear a host? etc.

  He led me out
    From the troublesome desert land,
  And shall his grace ever fail
    To lead me to pure Zion?
Why shall I fear a host? etc.

  My faithful, strong Brother
    And my Friend is dear Jesus,
  He will lead my poor soul
    To the hill of Jerusalem above:
Why shall I fear a host? etc.

  I shall get to see vast Jordan
    Holding back its black waters,
  Giving way to me timid soul
    To the inheritance above:
Why shall I fear a host? etc.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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